10. Take me somewhere

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Title from: Superfly - BLESSED 

Cam's POV


"AUDREY GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE! You don't even know where you're going!" I yell, running through the house after her. I open the front door and sitting at the end of the driveway drinking an energy drink she some how managed to steal from my fridge. "When did you even get that? I was right behind you?" i ask genuinely confused. How the hell was she able to stop at the fridge and still make it out before me? "Cuz I'm a legend" she says taking another sip. "Whatever, let's just go" i say helping her off the floor. 

After a few minutes of walking we come up on the education complex. It's pretty much this big area where the elementary and middle school is. As i said earlier, the Guardian Realm is pretty small. Because of this we only have one elementary school and one middle school. "So, this is where all the annoying, bratty little kids go to learn shit." i explain as her face lights up. Please don't tell me she, "Can we go in and say hi!!!" I love little kids!" she asks jumping around. I should've known she liked little kids. Literally kill myself, going in there and seeing all my old teachers and those.... things, is the last thing I'd ever wanna do. She grabbed my hand and looked up at me with the most innocent and hopeful expression that robbed me of my ability to tell her no. It was like she took my heart and melted it into the gross puddle of feelings and compassion and she knew it too. "Fineee, but I swear if one of those kids touches me i'm gonna punt it across this entire campus." i said with a look of disgust. She took a hold of my hand again and dragged me through the front doors of the elementary school, this is gonna suck. 

I gave her a tour of the school and it was fine aside from all of the staff saying hi to me where ever i went. I just gave them all the same fake smile and unamused "Hey." We were just leaving when all the kids started to flood out of their classrooms. Is it really 3 o'clock already? Damn it. Audrey seemed to be having the time of her life, she waved to all of them giving them the sweetest smile and accepting all their little hugs. They'd tell her she was pretty and she would tell them they were "too kind" when in reality they were little assholes, all kids are. Walking around all innocent like without a care in the world. They weren't wrong though, Audrey was beyond pretty. She just might be the prettiest girl I've ever met in my whole stupid life. 

Just as i was about to open the door i felt two tiny arms rap themselves around my legs. I look down to see a little kids hugging me and looking deep into my soul. I looked at Audrey with an annoyed expression and she just looks down at him and goes "Awww how cute", i lean closer to her and and say "Touchdown!", not making any effort to whisper. "CAM!" she gasps quickly squatting down to meet his eye level. "Touchdown? Do you like football too?" he asks eagerly. "Yes, he loves football. But I bet your mommy is waiting for you. Hurry along" she said pointing at the woman standing outside waiting for him. "Ok! Have a nice day miss!" he says running off to his mom with his weird little legs. "Thank you, and you too" she waved at the little boy with a warm smile and we continued walking. 

We passed the park and the mall before coming up on the supermarket. "We're gonna make a stop here to get some snacks and some weird seasoning thing Evie wanted me to grab on the way over" i explain while grabbing a shopping basket. "Okie dokie" she said following behind me. Just like at the school, all the people said hi to me as i passed them. Everyone knows me since i'm the son of the head Council member. Well, not necessarily her son. My parents disappeared when i was little, i don't know anything about them, who they are, where they went, or why they left. They simply just.... vanished. Delilah, the head of the Council, took me in and now I'm pretty much famous around the Guardian Realm. It get's kinda annoying though, they all give me this half ass pity for my parents leaving but I know they could care less. They don't know me, if they did they'd know that I didn't need them then and never will. 

We leave and pass Evie's store and Audrey gives me a confused look. "Why is her store closed? I thought you said you had to drop something off to her?" she asks walking back over to me after looking through the windows. "She down at the Hall, she has Seeker training today. A few days out of the week she closes up early and heads down there for training." i explained. "Oh that's cool...... what's that?" i let out a small laugh before explaining it to her. "It's basically a telepath but like Guardians, you have to have Essence. They can see all types of stuff whenever they want without a Projection Table. She was originally gonna be a Guardian but when she found out her mom was a Seeker she changed her coarse. So, she'll be down there and so I'll drop it off to her then. As for her shop, it's kinda like a work study type thing." She nodded her head, proccesing all the new information. "Ohhhh, ok. That's really cool, I think it's cute that she's taking after her mom kinda like I'm taking after my dad. Well... maybe. I don't know how the next six months will go, I don't even know what it would be like if I chose to go back. I don't know who all will still be around. But you know, we'll cross that bridge when we get there right?" She says. "Yeah I guess that is pretty cool. But how can you be so optimistic, what if you go back and everyone is just dead" I joke. "Cam! You're a terrible person you know" she says placing her hand on her heart pretending to be greatly offended. "Oh, ok oh know you love me" I say catching up to her. "Mhm, that's debatable" she says rolling her eyes jokingly.

...time skip to the Hall...

We walk up the steps and I open the door for Audrey, "Ladies first." "Why thank you, aren't you a gentleman." she says with a warm smile before walking in. I give her a run down of all the different departments. I showed her the disciplinary department, the training department, the education department, all of it. I showed her how the employment system works and how everyone plays a part in the Guardian Realm.

When we got to the library I said hi to the woman behind the counter. "Ah, I see you have a new student. Here for a book you forgot aren't you" the little woman said, making small talk. "Yup, this is Audrey." I explained as she introduced herself to Audrey. She hands me a slip of paper with the location of the book Im looking for and Audrey takes it from me and runs off. Right I go to chase after her again the librarian starts to speak, "She's a cute one isn't she" she says wiggling her eyebrows. I look over at Audrey and back at her, "Yeah... she is isn't she."

We get the book and I decide to text Evie so we can meet up.


Hey, where u at

Just got outta training. I'm walking out to my car now, you guys want a ride home

Yeah, we'll be out there in a few

Ok, see you guys out there

We get out to the parking lot and I get in the back seat and Audrey gets in the passenger seat. "Hey Cam, I thought you didn't like cars?" she teased. They're never gonna let it go are they, "It's different when you're not driving, the car would only seek revenge on the person that's controlling it and making it go against it's will." They both start die laughing, "Jeez Cam, you really have a screw loose don't you?" Evie says wiping a tear from her eye. "You know, you all laugh at me but it won't be so funny when this bitch go all Transformer on yo ass" I say rolling my eyes.

A/N: I would like to formally apologize to my amazing friend for posting this chapter almost a week later than I said I would 😅

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