Part 7

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"Oh yeah I asked which one of the flowers were your favorite?"
Atsumu repeated.

Sakusa didn't understand why he asked that. Sakusa looked at all the flowers.
Then he got his eye on one.
It was highest up at the shelf alone, no flowers near it. It was also yellow and the leaf were small but the flower was big.

Sakusa looks at it some seconds. Atsumu trys to find where Sakusa is looking so he could find it.

Before Sakusa could say anything Atsumu pointed at the yellow single flower high up at the shelf asking if it was that one.
Sakusa nodded.

"Are you sure? There is a lot more and pro-"

"Yes I'm sure." Sakusa cuts off Atsumu.

"But it's so lonley, and it's only one" Atsumu stated.

"Yeah. I know that Miya-san, that's just perfect." Sakusa replied with a serious voice.

Atsumu wondered why Sakusa liked it, it was only one after all and there was plenty of other beautiful flowers. But Atsumu didn't question it to much.

"Alright Omi Omi" he said smiling.

"Why do you want to kn-"
Sakusa doesn't finish that sentence when he saw Atsumu at the at the checkout asking for that flower.

"Wait Atsumu what are you doing?" Sakusa asked.
Is he going to buy the flower Sakusa liked? Was it for him? But why would he buy a flower to Sakusa.

Sakusa saw the man in the checkout getting it and giving it to Atsumu.
Atsumu payed and thanked for it.

"Come on Omi Omi" he said smirking.

Why did he buy the flower? Sakusa went over to Atsumu. Atsumu waved to the man in the checkout and they went out.

Sakusa stared at Atsumu holding the flower next to him.

"Okay Omi-kun. Here" the blonde said reaching his arm with the flower in his hand to Sakusa.

Sakusa got flustered a bit but didn't show it.
Why would he buy him a flower.

"Why?" Sakusa asks looking at the flower Atsumus still holding.

"What why?"
"I thought you liked it" Atsumu says and his smile turing into a pout.

"I do. But why give it to me?" Sakusa asks.

"Cause I want you to be happy Omi"

Sakusa takes the flower from his hand.
They started walking next to each other. Sakusa is looking at the flower. Just looking at it, and knowing from who it is from makes Sakusa smile.

Atsumu glanced at Sakusa, seeing him Smile.

"Oh your smiling?" the blonde haired boy says with a smirk looking at Sakusa, still walking.

Sakusa looks at Atsumu, then rolling his eyes.

"What makes you smile Omi?" Atsumu asks.
Sakusa looks at the flower again.

"The flower." Sakusa replied.

Atsumu looks confused, then he looks at the flower that he gave Sakusa.

"Oh the flower"
"Why" Atsumu asks smiling.

Sakusa looks at him. Atsumu'sf smile makes Sakusa just want to tell him everything.
But g what gtggygggygggggthggggt say. Hgggggg
But heGhhhvtyhs to say it's because of the color which it was but not only the color. But yellow always makes Sakusa smile, how bad a situation is it would let him smile from nowhere. Sakusa has no idea why, he had always been wondering why a color would make him smile, he even asked his cousin why once but he didn't know either.

"The color." Sakusa replied.

"The color?" Atsumu asks leaning his head to the side.

"Yellow makes me happy."

Sakusa says. Atsumu could barely hear him, Sakusa was talking with a very low voice, it was like Sakusa didn't want him to hear that.

Atsumu thought some seconds.

A color could make Sakusa happy?
Sakusa Kiyoomi? Why?
Atsumu thought it was cute though, he couldn't help but to give it a little laugh.

Sakusa looks at him feeling embarrassed. He turns his head away from Atsumu trying to not look at him.

Atsumu was trying to make Sakusa happy and all it took was a color?

Atsumu stopped laughing. He looked at the male next to him looking away from Atsumu.
Atsumu wanted one day to be Sakusas yellow.
He wanted to make him happy,
he wanted him to smile everytime he sees him.

"Then I'll be your yellow"
Atsumu says with a bright smile on his face.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while.

Anyways a late happy new year <3
Its 2021 finally :')

𝘠𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘰𝘸 (𝗦𝗮𝗸𝘂𝗔𝘁𝘀𝘂) 💛🌻Where stories live. Discover now