Chapter 20 and Semi 21

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I woke up from my bed, wore my clothing, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, and then I exited the dorm. Blyke didn't seem to be in the dorm so I went.

I made it to school as I met up with John and Seraphina, we walked together in the hallway to our periods until we noticed a commotion near a bulletin board.

I was a bit curious so I decided to see what was all the commotion but I started to sweat as soon my eyes saw what it was about.

It was about Seraphina losing her power. The person who was currently setting up the posters wasn't a good sign at all. We needed to go before people comes and targets her/us.

I quickly look behind to see that John had quickly ran at whoever was setting up and gave them a punch. I grabbed John and Seraphina quickly away from the commotion. "JOHN! We have no time for this! We gotta run away for now!"

"At least I got a punch on him, let's run."

Least we tried to until Zeke and Mardin stopped us. "Where do you think you three are going? Y/N, I think it's time for revenge."

I. Was. PISSED. I was not going to have anymore of this bullshit. "John. Seraphina. Stay back."

Zeke and Mardin both had a smug face and I was ready to rip it out. I charged and quickly knocked out Mardin and went for Zeke.

Zeke panicked and tried to go for a punch but I merely grabbed it as I gripped it with all my strength. Zeke started to scream in pain as I continued to put in pressure into his fist. "WHERE'S YOUR REVENGE NOW, HUH?"

I continued to do it until Blyke came out of nowhere and yelled. "BOTH OF YOU! CUT IT OUT! EVERYBODY, GO BACK TO CLASS!"

I hesitated for a moment before I let go of Zeke. "You were lucky, Zeke. But come to me or my friend's faces again and you won't be simply unlucky, at that point you would've opened Pandora's fucking box."

I kicked Zeke, knocking him out as I let him go. I walked to the bulletin board, ripped the posters about Seraphina's ability loss, broke the window and threw whatever was even left of it out.

Arlo and I needed to talk.


Sometime later, I ran into the room where Arlo was and kicked the door out. "ARLO!"

Arlo shook up a bit before he looked at me in eye contact. "...What do you want? I thought we-"


"ALRIGHT! Then what is it? Stop shouting."

"You know the god-forsaken posters on the god-forsaken bulletin boards, right? Apparently, there seems to be posters that are informing people about Seraphina's crippled state and I believe it's YOU who's behind it."

"Me? Are you serious? I'm not trashy unlike whoever was behind the posters."

"Alright, then tell me who it is."

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