Chapter 14

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Disclaimer: This book is originally not mine and was actually made by GASTLY42957. This is only a remake of it. (Check the description for links.)


Y/N woke up from a cold sensation on his face as he screams. "JESUS CHRIST! Who the hell-"

Y/N turned his heads to see Seraphina next to him with a cup of cold water while confused on how she got into his apartment. "How the hell did you get in here?"

Seraphina placed the cup of water on a table before responding. "I used your key, obviously." Y/N groaned from mild pain.

"Elaine will come patch your wounds, just lay down for the mean time. Water?" Seraphina asked Y/N. "Sure, would like it cold too."

Seraphina took the cup from the table and refilled it with cold water as she handed to Y/N. Y/N took a huge gulp from the cup before returning it to Seraphina.

"You know what's funny, Seraphina?" Y/N asked Seraphina. "What?"

"When the school ace leaves, everybody in the school decides to target us. All because we don't have a guard anymore. I had to start showing a bit of my gadgets to scare 'em off." Y/N spoke as he showed the gunslinger to Seraphina.

 Seraphina placed the cup down and touched the gunslinger a few times. "So... this is a cyborg arm? That's awesome. Did you do anything... major with it?" She asked Y/N.

Y/N thought for a moment. Should he lie, or tell the truth? Y/N shook his head knowing what happened with Arlo ago. "No."

Seraphina sighed as the doorbell rang. "I'll get the door." as she walked to the door opening it. It was Elaine.

"I'm so sorry, I'm late! I was with Ar- cough a friend!" She stuttered as Y/N started to sweat a bit. Did Arlo spill the beans? Did he go back on the deal?

After Elaine was done settling in, she noticed Y/N on the couch. "What's HE doing here?!"

"I LIVE here. Unless you got a problem with that get out."


Y/N sat in silence as he patiently waited for Elaine to heal him. "You should be glad that Seraphina's your friend, otherwise I wouldn't have even come here." Elaine said as she healed.

Y/N groaned as he opened his mouth to speak. "You know, Seraphina didn't had to call someone like you. I could've just got some first aid myself."

"You don't seem to be complaining about be me healing you."

"I'm not the whiny type."

Elaine continued to heal Y/N but something was off about the wounds. Both looked like they came from an abilities. Elaine took a closer look at the wounds noticing that one was a claw but the other wound she could not understand.

But... a claw? Why would Y/N suffer from a claw? She didn't think that there was any dangerous large animals near the school so it had to be someone. She thought for a moment only to realize it was the girl with the claw hands!

With this in her mind, she decided to ask Y/N how exactly he got the wounds. "How did you get these wou-"

Y/N quickly grabbed her mouth with his hands in a sign telling her to shut up as he whispered. "Do NOT tell anyone of what you've seen today. Not. ANYONE. Please."

Y/N released his hand as Elaine started to sweat from the threat but the last word sounded like he begged for her to not. She pitied him.

Elaine was finished with healing Y/N so she stood up and walked out the door. Seraphina returned to the room only to see Y/N sitting with his hands clutched together and sweating profusely with a scared look in his eyes.

"What on earth happened?..."


The BLU Medic continued to experiment on Y/N with his so-called 'tests'. Y/N continued to scream in agony and pain begging for his death. The BLU Medic did not let him die as if he was torturing Y/N.

Y/N begged the BLU Medic to stop but the Medic refused to do so as Y/N continued to scream. BLU Medic continued to inject Y/N with all sorts of stuff, implanting strange things into his body, etc.

The BLU Medic started to laugh like a psycho as time went on.



A few days after the incident had been going fairly normal. There wasn't anymore incidents, fights, or any type of that.

Seraphina was on Y/N's couch playing with her phone until she heard someone open the door. "Oh, Y/N. You're home ear-"

But as soon as she turned her head around, she instantly stood up knowing that the person at the door wasn't Y/N. It was a different man.

"PREEMANKA?" The man asked the girl in his native language. Seraphina didn't understand what that meant until the man realized she wasn't the "Preemanka" person he was talking about.

"Oh. You are not Decoy. Heavy is sorry for startling little girl." He apologized as he put his stuff down.

"Are.. you supposed to be here? Are you one of Y/N's friends?" She asked Heavy. Heavy merely smiled as he nodded his head.

"Y/N sometimes talks about his past job, are you one of the co-workers he was talking about?" She asked again.

"Y/N does not give out personal names, yes?"

"No, but is he the Decoy that you were talking about?"

"Yes, little Y/N is decoy. Where is little man now?"

"He's probably coming from school now. It usually ends around this hour."

"Is good. Heavy shall wait for him." As the big Russian man sits on the couch almost breaking it.



I apologize for how late this chapter was. School's been torturing me these recent days and I can't really work on these as frequent as I can. But I promise that I WILL finish this. (Unlike my other fanfictions that I gave up to work on.)

Anyways, see you on the next chapter.

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