Chapter 10

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Disclaimer: This book is originally not mine and was actually made by GASTLY42957. This is only a remake of it. (Check the description for links.)


Outside of School

As Y/N left school, he was confronted by 4 students.

"What you looking at, Kid?"

The student that had called Y/N a 'kid' was Tanner. A mid-tier/mid-level who had the ability to regenerate. The 3 students that was with Tanner were Wenqi, Illena, and Rouker.

Y/N continued to glare at Tanner as Tanner pushed Y/N away to a wall.

"Don't touch me." Y/N said to Tanner in a aggressive tone.

"'Don't touch me'. Yeah, right. I'll do whatever the hell I want with you, cripple." Tanner barked at Y/N.

Tanner went for a punch but Y/N managed to dodge it which annoyed Tanner.

Y/N didn't say anything as he grabbed Tanner's arm and flipped him onto the ground with a heavy impact. The 3 students that was with Tanner attacked all at the same time.

However, Y/N eyes glowed. Y/N's eyes glowed rose red for a millisecond. Y/N noticed this. The squad did not notice. Y/N ignored it.

First was the girl (Illena) who went for a punch but Y/N punched her first right in the gut then grabbed her head and smashed it against his knee.

Illena fell down to the ground as Y/N dodged 2 yellow missiles by ducking.

"Better watch your back!" Wenqi mocked as Y/N gets punched in the back by the now-awaken Illena.

"THIS IS PAYBACK!" Illena barked at Y/N as she punches Y/N right in the face.

Y/N fell to the ground as Tanner grabbed his hair up.

"Heh, not so tough now. Are you-" Tanner was interrupted by a gun shot.

Tanner was immediately caught off guard from the gun shot as he noticed a fully-grown man who had a red jacket and a yellow 'hard-hat'.

The man pointed the gun right at Tanner as he spoke.

"Hey, kid. Listen here. I solve problems but not taking care of babysitting. Get lost before I lay you out." The man spoke in a quite voice yet aggression to Tanner. 

"T-T-This isn't your fight, old man!" Tanner stuttered from fear of getting shot as he hesitated to the man.

"If it involves him, then it involves me too." The man replied to Tanner as he cocked his gun. Tanner looked to Y/N who was behind him, standing up.

Y/N stood up while bleeding as he grinned.

"Hey, Engie." Y/N looked at Engie with a grin.

The squad that had beaten up Y/N were now in fear but Illena did not want to stand down.

"THIS ISN'T YOUR FIGHT!, OLD MAN!" Illena yelled at Engineer as she attempted to punch Engineer.

However, she fazed through him.

"W-W-WHAT?!?!" Illena yelled in confusion as she looked at Engineer.

Engineer looked at Illena with a disappointing look on his face.

"Now that's just a sad display, girl." As Engineer looked away while walking to the injured Y/N as he let Y/N piggyback-ride on Engineer.

"And you all. You try to mess with Y/N again and I'll give you a taste of my gun here. You got that? Now, scram." Engineer yelled at the squad with an aggressive voice as they all nodded and ran away.

As the squad ran away, Engineer and Y/N went their way.

"Boy, you've gotten yourself into some deep damn trouble with some folks. Didn't yah? Don't worry. The Engineer is Engi-Here." Engineer reassured Y/N as he joked.

"Haha... Very funny." Y/N said to Engineer in a weak voice.

However, Y/N and Engineer did not notice that someone was watching the whole time. It was a student with blond hair. Arlo.

Arlo had saw everything that had unfolded but had many questions to the man that had helped Y/N. Arlo knew that the man was southern but never knew how he even got there.


Flashback: Experiment

Y/N couldn't see clearly due to the room being dark and was beaten. BLU Heavy carried Y/N as BLU Medic and Scout followed behind.

"Yes... Zis shall do." BLU Medic said as he makes a creepy smile.

Y/N wanted to yell back but hesitated due to fear of being beaten more.

"...I'd pay over a hundred bucks to be stuck in traffic at home..." Y/N quietly weeped.

"Doctor is going to experiment on you, baby man." BLU Heavy mocked Y/N as he continued to drag him to the experiment room.


Y/N's Room

Y/N woke up sweating and panicking but calmed down as he noticed it was all a dream. Y/N noticed a dispenser next to him.

Y/N laid back down to take a breather as he stood up again to take a look at the blueprint and sat on his desk.

Y/N opened the blueprint. The blueprints had the exact design as the robots that they've fought a long time ago. But what really caught Y/N's attention was the fuel.

The fuel apparently ran on money.

"Well, that explains how the robots dropped money when we killed them."

Y/N decided to build the robots but before doing so, he wanted to change how the fuel worked. Y/N was rich but he did not want to spend money on such a object.



So yeah... School started. I don't like it but it's better than going there because it's practically a hell hole.

The benefits are that I don't have to go to school by bus for the mean time, no noisy dumbass, and etc.

The disadvantages? I don't really know. It seems like this is a straight upgrade.

Hope to see you in Chapter 11.

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