Chapter 19

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Disclaimer: This book is originally not mine and was actually made by GASTLY42957. This is only a remake of it. (Check the description for links.)



I walk through the hallway as I take a sip from my soda until I notice John and Seraphina together, I notice that Seraphina has a small bruise on her head.

"I swear to god when I get my hands on who did this-"

I interrupt John. "What happened here? What happened to Seraphina here? Looks like she got hit in the forehead. That's gotta hurt."

John sighs. "Apparently Seraphina was targeted by someone and managed to get a hit on her forehead. You know what the worse thing is?"

"And that is?"

"Is that she managed to pull it off as a ACCIDENT. HOW IS THAT EVEN A ACCIDENT?"

"Seriously? So no troubles at all because the teachers actually believed it was a 'accident'? Man..."

"It's FUCKING stupid. Oh when I get my hands on her-"

"Hey, John. Cool your steam there, violence isn't always the answer. Although sometimes it is but now it isn't for the time being."

"And what do you mean?"

"Back then I had to deal with some... insane people. One was a guy who had a gas mask and was going batshit insane. It was hard to fight him especially with the weapons he had."

"What?... Ok. What exactly did he have?"

"A... flamethrower. He was hard to fight against because his flamethrower was also modified to push back opponents with a air blast. Don't ask me how that works."

"What?... Why didn't I hear about this back then?"

"Well... he probably lived around where I lived making it a dangerous place."


But before John could ask another question, the bell went off and it was time for us to go to our classrooms. "There's the bell, gotta get going."

John had the face of "What the fuck did I just hear?" while Seraphina was just thinking it was some bullshit to calm down John.


I stood on top of a building at night as I take the mask and weapons out of the bag. I wore the mask on my face to cover my face and took the weapons. All of them were in good shape.

Earlier Blyke had told me that he needed to go help Isen and Remi with 'something' and he also promised not to tell anyone about the robots that I was working on.

But I digress, Engineer gave me a earpiece that allows me to communicate between me and Engineer for objectives and I could also use it if I was having any trouble which I probably wouldn't have any anyways.

Engineer found the first target as he told me who the first target was. "The fella's name is... Waldo. Funny name, hehe. The feller's a mid-tier with a power rating of a 2.8. His ability is shockwave and he appears to be in the low-tier district. Now don't kill 'em, understand?"

"I understand, dad."

"That's my boy, now go get 'em."

I made my way to the low-tier district and I noticed that my mask's exterior was actually pretty different, it could identify people! Names, gender, and maybe even their credit card number.

I started to zoom onto people to locate where this Waldo guy was but as I was scanning for Waldo, there was this one person who looked familiar. I scanned her and... was Remi?

Blyke told me that he needed to help Remi and Isen with something, those two HAD to be here! This wasn't good. What the hell is she doing here?!

A couple seconds later someone knocked a door down and I saw Remi clearly this time... with a terribly looking homemade hero costume. Yikes.

I immediately climbed down from the roof and sneaked up onto whoever Remi was fighting, I took the chance and grabbed him to the wall. He started screaming and stuff.

"If you don't shut up this instant I will personally rip your goddamn mouth out slowly. You better shut up now, you understand?"

The guy in the green hair immediately closed his mouth in fear of what I've said, I chuckled a bit as I began asking him a question.

"You know where I can find Waldo, buddy? Don't ask what I have to do with him I just need to find him."

After I was done interrogating the man as I got the information on where Waldo was, Remi came up behind me. "Who are you supposed to be?"

"The nickname's Demon. I won't be telling you my actual name that's for sure."

"Fair enough. X-Rei."

I simply nodded as I walked up the stairs to where Waldo was but... I couldn't find him anywhere. He must be hiding.

I took out my shotgun to threaten Waldo. "Waldo, I'll give you one change to move or else you'll have to get hurt. Three, Two... On-"

But as soon as I say "One", Waldo comes out and uses his shockwave ability at me but he fails since I dodged it just in time.

I used my Uberpen and rushed at Waldo, He tried to stop me from coming but nothing except a airblast stops a Uber. I then shot Waldo in his leg then hit him on the head with the stock of my shotgun.

As I go for another hit, a lightning comes beside me and shocks Waldo into a unconscious state. I took the liberty to see what he had and... a power strengthening serum?

Whatever this serum was, it was dangerous. I hid the serum in my pocket without Remi noticing.

As we were done. I gave Waldo to Remi as she needed him for something. I was done for the day as I returned to my dorm and unpacked my stuff.

I made sure to tell Engineer and Medic on what had happened including the serum. They said that they were going to try reversing the effect on whatever prevented Seraphina from using her ability by using the power strengthening serum.

I wasn't really a fan of the idea but I assume it was for the best. I went to sleep.



I really need to apologize on just how fucking late this chapter is, fatigue/school has been taking over me these days so I really can't/don't work on my fanfictions a lot unlike how I did before.

I need some apple juice.

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