He's The Better Brother

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Louis's POV

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Louis's POV

"Happy Birthday to me." Harry whispered. That was the final straw for my heart, it just shattered. This poor, rich boy, is suffering from the neglect of his parents. Does he deserve it? No. Not even a little.

"Did you want me to drive you home? I have my full licence."

"Yes. Harry and I would love that, thanks, Louis." Niall replies gratefully. I smile at them both, me and Niall still hugging Harry.

"I don't wanna go home," Harry mumbles into my chest.

Niall releases Harry and takes a step back, "So... about that car ride."

"Right, sorry." I step away from Harry, not breaking eye-contact. "Will you be alright, love?" I ask cautiously. "You can sit next to me, if you'd like?"

Harry smiles gently, not a fake one but one that doesn't reach the eyes. I smile back and open the door for him. Harry slides into the seat, hands in his lap and looking at his feet as he taps the tips of his shoes together.

I sit in the driver's seat and Niall sits in the back. "Where do ya live Niall?" I ask, looking at him through the rear-view mirror.

"I live in the valley," Niall says in a weird voice. I glance at Harry and see a small smile appear on his face.

"That isn't exactly helpful, Niall." I tell him, rolling my eyes.

"Why don't ya just let Harry drive, Louis." Niall mocks the fact that I said his name.

"Wonderful idea, Niall." I mock right back.

"No problemo, Louis."

"Will you two please. Shut. Up." Harry says, a little annoyed. "I don't think me driving is a good idea anyway."

"I guess that means I get to drive!" I exclaim in mock enthusiasm.


"Turn right, then Niall's house is on the left." I park on the side of the street directly across from his house.

"Thanks for the ride Louis, hope you both enjoy yours." Niall winks, scoots across the seats in one clean motion, opens the door and gets out.

Harry blushes and I smirk, biting my bottom lip. I let my mind wander while I look over Harry's body. I imagine the way he would look on top of me, all wrecked and blissed out. Well, great. Now I'm hard and the reason is sitting next to me.

"Bonsoir, Larry. Enchanté, Louis."

"Huh?" What the? He closes the door, leaving me confused and alone with Harry. "What does Larry mean in french?" I ask him.

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