Feels Like Home

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A/N I had a creative writing assessment and I basically just wrote a 'Louis gets famous and moves back to Doncaster after five years and sees all his friends again' fanfic, except I changed the names. This is the story with the correct names.


Feels Like Home

The wind blows softly against my face as I step out of the busy train station and onto the streets of my old hometown. I notice that the giant statue that was once out the front has been replaced by a modern piece of art. I stare at it for a bit, having nowhere else to be. I close my eyes and remember what it looked like when I was younger, the giant statue being one of my friends and I's favourite places to hang out together.

I picture a younger version of myself sitting behind the metal man on his metal horse. I can see my friend Liam on the ground below the statue, next to where I'm standing now, yelling at me to get down because it wasn't safe. Always the responsible one. I can almost hear the laugh of my friend Niall, egging me on and snapping photos of me on the metal beast. I can feel the comforting hands of Harry on my waist, keeping me steady so I won't fall, which is weird in the sense that he's the most clumsy of all of us. I don't even struggle to recall the look on Zayn's face as he stood beside Liam. I might've been the one on the statue but he had a high horse of his own, pretending to be mad at me just to please Liam, even when I could see the amused smile on his face. But I loved it. I loved the way it all blended together as if I were there once again. Opening my eyes, I could've sworn I saw all of them running about and causing mischief, even Liam. We'd corrupted him quite a bit.

I took ninety steps to my left and found the cafe that my Mum used to take me to back when I lived here. I miss her dearly. I walked in and took a seat, hoping no one would notice me. I didn't bother looking over the menu, knowing that I would just order the same thing anyway. After a few minutes, a waitress made her way over to me. I looked up at the girl and saw that she recognised me by the way her face lit up, that's just what happens when you become a famous singer, people recognise you wherever you go. Even in the bathroom. I'm still not used to it and it's been eight years.

"Uh- I- uh, hi. Wh-what can I get you?" She asked, stumbling over her words.

I smiled at her, calming her nerves a little.

"I'll have a cup of Yorkshire tea and a lemonade scone, thanks love," I replied gently. She looked like she was going to faint.

"Yeah, okay. Be right back." She breathed out, immediately turning and speed walking away.

I settled back into my seat and pulled out my phone. Before I could do so much as unlocking it, a deep, familiar voice sounded behind me. "Some things never change, eh?"

My head has never snapped around so fast, I almost got whiplash.

"Harry?" I questioned, my voice a little shaky.

"Who else?" He joked, smiling widely.

I invited him to sit down across from me and we talked until my food arrived. I thanked the waitress once again, signed her phone case and took a picture with her. After I sat back down I seen the smile on Harry's face.

"What?" I asked, a little self-conscience as his eyes burned into my skin.

"You're so good with your fans. You treat them like family, I swear." He said, entirely serious, face showing fondness toward me.

"Well, I love them. I mean, they're the only reason I get to do what I do. Without them, I wouldn't have gotten anywhere in the music industry and the least I can do to repay them is to be kind. Though I'll never get used to the way so many strangers recognise me." I explain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2021 ⏰

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