The Cliche Couple

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For as long as last year, Louis has known It's LouisandJesse, JesseandLouis and that's how Louis likes it. Just him and Jesse, ruling the world or at least the apartment above their own cafe.

The cafe in which they had met at when Louis still worked there as only a server. At that point, he was struggling to put food on the table. He worked there full-time and never missed a day unless he was really sick.

A cute guy kept coming into the cafe and he would sit at the back, order a coffee and stay there the whole day, constantly sending glances in Louis' direction. Eventually, Louis worked up enough courage to write his number on the napkin before giving to the guy.

From that point on, things escalated extremely quickly, at least to Louis they had. In reality, it had taken almost a year. He told himself that time flies by when you're having fun, his friends weren't so sure.

A week after they had started texting each other, Jesse had asked him on a date. Louis was hesitant at first but eventually agreed. He remembered being excited, Jesse even more so.

A couple of days later and Jesse had taken them to the local fair. Louis had insisted that they split the price of the tickets and had also lost that argument

As they were walking around, Louis spotted a big, fluffy bear soft toy. Jesse had then spent the next 30 minutes trying to win the huge bear, Louis cheering him on while also telling him he really didn't need the bear. He lost that argument as well.

Eventually, they found themselves wandering around until they both caught a familiar smell in the air. Louis then frantically ran around, Jesse's hand held tightly in his own until he found the source of the wondrous scent.

Delicious candy floss. Jesse then insisted that they share one and Louis had agreed instantly. They waited in line, paid the person at the front and took away their spoils. Wandering around aimlessly while eating their sugary treat had led them to their final destination. The Ferris wheel.

Jesse helped Louis into his seat, before getting in himself. Once they were both properly secured, they began their ascent. When they were near the top Louis began to become nervous. Because of the height? yes. Because he wanted Jesse to kiss him? HELL yes.

He snuggled into Jesse a bit and received a confused look. "Heights" he had mumbled into the cosy sweater his date was wearing. Jesse then chuckled and cuddled closer. They then both realised they had reached the peak of the ride they were on.

Their eyes locked, then Jesse's slowly travelled down to the blue-eyed boy's lips, Louis' then did the same to Jesse's. They then leaned in 'til their lips met in the middle. The kiss was gentle and loving, everything Louis had wanted and still does.

He couldn't help but feel that something was missing, ultimately deciding to brush it off and push it to the back of his mind. He did that a lot in the coming months.

After they got off the Ferris wheel, Jesse drove them home. He walked Louis up to the front doorstep and hugged him goodbye. Louis walked inside and had almost finished closing the door when the words, "Louis wait!" Interrupted.

He opened the door and Jesse pulled him in for another kiss, this one less innocent and needier. The kiss soon turned into a heavy make-out session on the couch. Things escalated quickly from there and that's how Louis ended up losing his virginity on his dead grandma's couch.

After that, they went on many more dates. Including but not limited to; a picnic on the beach, a fancy three Michelin star restaurant, a casual lunch date at the cafe Louis worked at, ice skating at the local rink, a cute arcade date, going to dinner to meet each others parents' then to a movie, a candlelit home-cooked dinner, mini-golf and a walk on the beach during the night so they could see the stars.

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