Caught Apples

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A/N Idk, it's four AM.

Sexual content. No sexy time though. (No frick frack.)


Harry sneaks into Louis' empty room, once again. He doesn't know why, he just likes it in there. He looks around for a bit and messes about with a few of his things. He's really bored. He comes in here all the time when Louis is out, has since the boy first moved in two years ago. Louis' Mum, Jay, is an amazing woman but she has so many kids it's hard to keep up with them. She didn't have enough money to look after them all and Louis has always been really close with Harry's older brother, George. So Anne, Harry and George's Mum, offered to take him in.

Harry was going through his usual routine, looking at all of the posters on the walls while laying on the bed, when he hears footsteps down the hall. "Shit." He whispers under his breath as he gets up quickly and quietly. He looks around nervously for a second and then stumbles into the wardrobe, closing the door behind him and praying to every God there may be that he isn't discovered.

Louis shuffles into his room, checking the hall for anyone that might be home but he sees no one. He closes his door and toes of his shoes hurriedly. He takes off his socks and throws them somewhere in the room he doesn't care to remember, along with his shirt. He lays down on his bed, pulls out his phone and begins to scroll through his Instagram feed. After a few seconds of scrolling he comes across Harry's latest post and audibly groans at the boys exposed chest which is covered in tattoos. He swipes to the next picture and his dick begins to harden at the mirror selfie the boy took while only wearing boxers.

When the boy in the wardrobe hears Louis actually, fucking groan, his entire body freezes and his breath becomes heavier. Louis places his hand over his crotch, now scrolling through Harry's feed and gently presses down. This time he moans and Harry's brain begins to panic but he still can't move and he definitely can't breathe. Then Louis sees his favourite picture that Harry has ever posted of himself and he begins to palm himself, letting out moans freely.

Harry is really confused. He likes the noises Louis is making, a lot. His dick likes them even more so, given that he now has a semi. Louis is getting loud and Harry is getting more awkward and uncomfortable. Then, holy shit, Louis moans the words, "Fuck, Harry. Yeah." Suddenly he's on the move. He opens the wardrobe door and Louis' eyes snap to him, widening immediately. Harry gives the older boy a once over before he runs out of the room. "SHIT!" Louis yells, getting up and running after him. Harry turns, sees that Louis is following him and runs even faster.

He makes it to the kitchen, locking his eyes on the front door. He's about to make a break for it when someone grabs him from behind. He gasps. Louis pulls his jaw down, grabbing an apple from the fruit bowl and using it to lodge the boys mouth open. He then drags Harry back to his room, the boy fighting against him the whole way. He shoves him down on his bed and collapses on top of him, exhausted. They lay there for a bit, catching their breath. Neither of them try to move.

A minute or so later, Louis sits up and pins Harry's arms to the bed so he won't run away. Harry just stares up at him, not fighting him at all. After a few seconds of staring into each other's eyes, Louis leans down and Harry's breath hitches. He takes a bite of the apple, chews it and swallows it. Harry squirms underneath him but makes no attempt to escape. Louis goes back in and takes another bite, chews it and swallows it. He repeats the process until the only bits of apple left are almost touching Harry's lips. He gently bites down on a piece that is close to the boys bottom lip and Harry moves his head so their lips will brush each other's.

The only remaining parts of the apple are in Harry's mouth. They stare at each other for a bit longer before Louis releases one of Harry's hands and gently, hesitantly removes the apple from between his teeth, a string of saliva connecting the apple to his lips as it's pulled away. Once it's placed on the side table beside the bed, Louis wipes the string away with his thumb. Harry's lips are wet and his eyes are blown wide. Louis leans in a bit, not all the way though. Harry seems to understand what the boy is trying to do, so he leans up and connects their lips without a second of hesitation.

They kiss hungrily as Louis leans over Harry. He's on his knees above him, legs either side of the youngers boy's waist, leaning down to connect their lips with his hands cradling his face and keeping their lips locked. They pull away after a few seconds, catching their breaths for what feels like the 10th time today. Louis just admires the boy below him, how wrecked he's managed to make him look and how hot he looks at that moment. Harry can't help but let his mind wander to the outcomes this situation could have and that's enough to revive his semi.

"God, you look so fucking hot." Louis murmurs.

Harry smiles up at him, teeth showing and the corner of his lip quirking slightly. "Thanks, not so bad yourself, Tomlinson."

Louis just winks at him, chuckling slightly. "So... what were you doing in my wardrobe?"

Harry flushes a deep red and stutters out a reply, "I- I just- just like your room."

Louis rolls his eyes fondly.

"How 'bout you tell me why you moaned my name, huh?"

"Hah." Louis laughs loudly. (Ooh, alliteration.) "You're fucking hot, can't help but wank to your Instagram pictures. It's my guilty pleasure."

Harry blushes deeper at his response, the way Louis didn't even hesitate before he told him makes the words effect him even more. The confidence Louis is oozing right now seems to be turning Harry into a shy, flustered, awkward red tomato. He just wishes he could absorb some of that confidence right now. "I- I just like being in your room. 'S nice. Makes me feel safe and stuff, I guess, I don't know."

Louis just smirks, "You're too adorable." He pecks him on the lips and Harry shyly buries his head into Louis' chest. "Mwah." He dramatically kisses Harry's forehead.

Anne comes home later to find the two boys fast asleep in each other's arms under the covers and she can't help but take a photo. She wishes upon every star that those two boys will end up together, they're just so cute. She immediately rings up Jay and tells her all about the two, even sending her the picture. She can't wait for their wedding, she and Jay have almost fully planned it.



I started this at like, 3:53 or something and now it's 5:38. I spent like 30mins talking to my Mother before she left for work so this took like two hours. I should be asleep but nahh. Have this story I dreamt up. 😘

Love you all <3
Ya little wankers.

Anygays, byyye.


P.S that was a very short a/n

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