Chapter Five: A Sweet Confession

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               The animatronics had gotten along with the two of you quite well, and Bonnie had even started to fall hard for you. You, had also started to fall hard for him (yeah, I think we got that from the end of the last chapter... XD Also, this chapter takes place on the fourth night.)

                                *Bonnie's POV*

        I was quite excited for (Y/N) and Mike to arrive. Goldie told me not to get too excited. That perverted Winnie the Poo.... I straightened my bowtie. I already had a small plan in my head. I glanced at the flowers, they were (favourite flower)s mixed in with (favourite color) roses. They complimented her (eye colour) eyes greatly.

        Freddy grinned at me, "She's going to love it, trust me. Say..... do you know anything.... Mike would like...?" Freddy was blushing up a storm as he said the last part.

"Huh? Oh, I think he likes silver roses and Black Veil Brides." I reply, watching Freddy smile. Man, was he obvious. I'm honestly happy he likes Mike... maybe Emily, Mike, Freddy and I can have a double date... ifEmilylikesmeback... andifMikeylikesFreddyback. I smile, suddenly a devious plan forms in my mind. Damn! "Goldie!! Stop entering my thoughts!! Stop making me think devious and snarky things!!!"

The golden haired male steps out of the shadows, "I'm sorry, you know I can't help it. Ooh did you see that new waitress? She is simply so beautiful, she could replace my sun.... so beautiful..." Goldie starts monologuing, holding himself and shaking with delight (think of Tamaki Suoh in the first chapter of the manga or the first episode of the anime). "Such beautiful, shimmering ebony hair! Those wild, golden eyes! I-I think I've found my soulmate! And her name.... her name is just absolutely beautiful! Her name is Yuki Shado... So beautiful....." 

        Freddy and I exchanged looks. Goldie was purely smitten. Like we were. Jesus it was weird to compare us to him. Not that we don't like him.... he's just the odd duck out of the five of us. Plus he looks just like Freddy. It was honestly cute, seeing the pervert actually passionate about something other than..... you know what.

        I smiled, and noticed the clock was almost 12:00. Awesome. I climbed on the stage with Freddy and Chica, Foxy and Goldie choosing to play cards in Pirate Cove. I couldn't wait for Emily and Mike to get here.

        ~~~~TIME SKIP BROUGHT BY...... Sarcasm- A human's Natural defense mechanism!~~~~~

        The clock finally struck midnight as Emily and Mike arrived. Emily looked so freaking cute. Her (hair length) (hair colour) was in a (hair style) and her (eye colour) eyes shone brightly. 

        "Hi, Bonnie! You look so adorable!!" She giggled (Sorry if you don't giggle) as she hugged me.

        I blooshed hard and hugged her back, "T-Thanks! Y-You do, too!" Freddy nudged me and Chica winked, as if saying, "Go get some!" I blooshed even more, and spoke up, "H-Hey, Emily? C-Can I ask you something?"

        "Sure, Bonnie." She said, smiling, following me off the stage.

        I held the flowers behind my back, "E-Emily... I likeyouokayanditsfineifyoudontlikemeback."

        She tilted her head to the side, "W-What was that?" Bloosh was covering her cheeks.

        "I.... I like you okay and it's fine if you don't like me back." I said again, clearer this time, and held her the (favourite flower)s and (favourite colour) roses. "I would love to go on a date with you, but I understand if you don't feel the same way..."

        She blooshed and accepted the roses, "B-Bonnie... I..." My heart sank.

        "It's fine, it's fine.... forget I asked-" Emily interupted me by kissing me lightly on the lips. 

        "Let me finish, silly. I was going to say, 'I would love to.' But you didn't let me finish."

        "O-Oh... Okay! Great!" I couldn't help myself so I gave her a peck on the lips.

        "Freddy!! How did you know I liked Black Veil Brides? YES! I will go out with you!!" I heard Mike say excitedly. I saw Mike kiss Freddy lightly and hug him. Freddy hugged him back. Aww, those two were so damn cute.

                        A/N: I am so sorry for the wait! By the way, the song is Fallen Angels by the Black Veil Brides (actually, I had to change the song because it wouldn't play well on phones or tablets... so now it is "its been so long" nightcore.)  It's a good song and I love it!! And tomorrow there may be a new update! And OH MY SHINIGAMI!!! THAAAAANKS FOR 344 VIEWS!!! HOLY SHIZZ!!!!

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