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Hey guys! Trappedinmyheadx here, and I just want to ask some questions:

I am open for suggestions. Do any of you guys have any characters you'd like to add? Any other of the toys? I mean we already have Balloon Boy and Balloon Girl.... I don't care if some of you are like "Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut TINHx!!!! Balloooooooooooooooooon Giiiiiiiiiirl isn't an official animatronic!!! You're not staying true to the games!!!" Bleh bloop blop. I don't roll that way, I am a writer! I make my own ways in my stories. 

Sorry for flipping out on you guys... Heh... Well, also if any of you guys want a lemon/lime/smut/fluff for you and Bonnie, just beg and I will deliver! XD Anyways, Yuki will be introduced in the next chapter along with... the mysterious person who we saw at the end of the last chapter. AND!! Since I am in an excellent mood (and scaring myself because of it) and am your merciful author, I will try to push the next chapter out today!! And maybe two tomorrow, since I don't have school tomorrow!! Anyways, thank you all for choosing to read this book. And the video is something amazing I found. OMS this should be for real!! AND OMS THANKS FOR 913 views!!! HOLY SHIZZ!!! Bye!! Love y'all!!! 

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