Chapter Seven: Movie Night

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        Mike stared at his phone and watched the video Goldie had left nights before. Dayum. Mike began laughing his arse off, causing Freddy to tilt his head, "Mike, are you okay?" Freddy asked, crawling over to his boyfriend.

        "Nah, I'm good. I'm just watching a video Goldie made on my phone... Dear lord... Man... I think this is what I caught Seth watching the other day.. Tsk... Seth's just lucky Goldie stopped recording before you guys returned to your animatronic forms..." Mike responded, leaning over to kiss Freddy on the nose.

        Freddy picked up Mike's phone and laughed as he watched the video, "Wow, Mike... That brother of mine..."

        "Hey guys!" Chica called from the hallway, "We're setting up a movie!! Wanna come join us, or do you want to continue cuddling? You can cuddle and watch a movie at the same time!! Whoa! I just blew my own mind!" Chica laughed, Emily joined in, her slight giggles cause Mike to laugh as well.

        "Yeah, yeah, I'm coming.. You coming, Freddy?" Mike asked his lover, who sat on the desk, the microphone necklace that Mike had given him (OFF CAMERA!!! MWAHAHAHA. Also the pic is the necklace :3) in his palm. Freddy nodded, and stood by Mike, putting on his necklace.

        Chica tagged Emily, "RACE YA TO THE DINING AREA!!!!"

        Emily laughed, "You're so on, Chica!!" Emily ran after the bird, and Mike and Freddy could hear their shouts, "YOU CAN'T CATCH ME, EMILY!!" "YOU'RE NOT FOXY!!! YOU CAN'T OUTRUN ME!!" "I STILL AM FASTER THAN YOU-" CRASH!!!

        Mike and Freddy exchanged looks, and ran over to the dining area, and saw that Chica had ran into one of the chairs, and fell over, causing Emily to trip over her. Emily groaned, and Chica giggled. The blonde sat up, "Again! Again!!"

        Emily glared at the blonde, "I don't think so, chicken. I might end up breaking something. I'm not an animatronic, remember?"

        Bonnie, Foxy, and Goldie walked over from Pirate's Cove, holding a small stack of movies in each of their arms, "Yeah, we know that. Bonnie knows that even more, if you know what I mean~." Goldie said, winking at Emily and Bonnie.

        "SHUT UP, YOU PERVERTED WINNIE THE POO!!!!" Bonnie shouted, blooshing into the stack of movies in his arms.

        Emily rolled her eyes at the golden haired male, "We haven't actually done anything... We just try to prank a certain brother of mine..."

        "Mmhmm, anyways, what movie are we going to watch? Please say Mean Girls, 'cause dayum I feel like watching Regina George be taken down!!" Mike said, sticking out his tongue.

        "Okay! Let's do dis!!" Chica cheered, helping Emily off the floor.

                *TimeSkip, mid-movie, Bonnie's POV*

        I fake a yawn, and stretch my arm around Emily (Bon, you are so classy. Bonnie: Is a gift! Mike: Get. Yo. Arm. Off. My. Sister. Bonnie: SHIZZ!!! *runs like hell because Mike is chasing him* Me: Boys... Freddy: *turns to face author-chan* Tell me about it!), earning a slight glare from Mike, who was cuddled against Freddy.

        Emily stuck her tongue out at her brother, and nuzzled her head into my shoulder. I smile, and kiss her the top of her head. Things now just seem too perfect to be real. For the first time in my life, I am thankful for Vincent killing us and stuffing us into suits. I glance over at Freddy and Mike, seeing Freddy wrapping his arms around Mike, pulling him in closer, I think Freddy is too.

        I watch BB (YA! Balloon Boy is here!! Oh yeah, he acts like your his mama and Bonnie is his papa. XD did I ever say that? No? Okay! No i did lol) run over to Emily and I and crawl on her lap.

        "Mommy! Daddy! I watch too!!" He said excitedly, Emily and I smile, and each put an arm around BB, we decided to call him Ben. BG, or Bella, came running over to us and frowned, "Bubba! I wanna watch too!!" She squeezed next to Ben. I laughed, and looked at Mike.

        "Mike, I guess technically you're an uncle." I said grinning.

        Mike just laughed, "Oh I am, aren't I? Well, I will be the best uncle ever!"

                                *????'s POV*

        I growl silently as I watch Mike and Emily being cuddled by their boyfriends. I can't help but feel jealous. One day soon, my dears. One day soon. Emily had BB and BG on her and Bonnie's lap. Like parents and their children... Damn that makes me mad.... One day.... One day....

                A/N: HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!!!! And BB and BG think that you and Bonnie are their parents.... Yay!! Family!! LOL, anyways, I wouldn't mind if someone where to make fanart for this. AND!!! My friend Kitty (CP OC Kitty the Wolf) told me that she would draw my CP fanfiction Darkened Hearts into a graphic novel/manga!! Isn't that awesome?? Anyways, thanks for 840 views!!! DAYUM!!! Thanks! Bye, my PotatoMinions!!


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