Chapter Ten (Intro/Teaser): Trouble at the Pizzeria

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        A/N: This will not be a full chapter, I will stop when ???? is introduced so y'all can guess. XD I'm so cruel. Anyways, enjoy :3 Freddy: SARAH!!!! GET BACK HERE!!!! I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STILL HAVE MY HAAAAAAAAAAT!!!!!! Me: *runs away* I'M NEVER GIVING IT BAAAAAAACK!!! Bonnie: *sweatdrop* Uh... Let's get on with the chapter....

        *At the Pizzeria, Foxy's POV (HOLY SHIZZ)*

        Something didn't feel right, not at all. My ears kept flicking because I kept straining to hear the strange, metalic sound. Streeaaaaak. There it is AGAIN. Streeaaaaak!!! It kept getting closer and closer.

        Suddenly two figures stepped out of the shadows. "We'Re hErE FoR EmIly and MiKe..." 

        I growled, "NOT ON MY WATCH!!!"

        Bonnie: How original, Sarah... There's TWO people... wow.... Oh, she left a hint on the idenity of the two of them. Ahem: "One of them is a nighguard: Other than Mike, Jeremy or Fritz, and the other is a Toy Animatronic: Other than BB (Ben) and BG (Bella)." She also says "Good luck!", and that she's still being chased by Freddy. I'm actually very curious to see who it is... Oh God, if it's Bon Bon.... I don't know if I can handle her crazy again.... And she says, "Enjoy my PotatoMinions".... Seriously where did she get that name?? I know her YouTube and DeviantArt name is PotatoSeason, but still.... 

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