Chapter Seventeen: Facing Off Vincent & BonBon (WARNING: Do I need dis?)

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~~~Your POV~~~

Trappedinmyheadx (Sarah) stood in front of Bonnie and I, her pickaxes raised and ready.

"You can't hurt them! They are under Slender's and my protection!! You can't touch them!!" She yelled at Vincent and BonBon.

BonBon ran up to Sarah, "Or what?" BonBon lifted her guitar-axe to Sarah, the blade barely touching her shoulder.

"You think that little axe of yours can hurt me?" Sarah asked, whipping out her pickaxes, "You must be drunk then, BIYATCH!!"

BonBon's emerald eyes widened as she realized that Sarah wasn't backing down so easily. Sarah turned to face me, and smiled, "We'll take this outside. It'll just be a minute! We'll get to the reception soon. Don't worry, loves~!" Sarah was sounding slightly chipper. Sarah turned back to BonBon, and grabbed her, "Come along, BonBon! We need to have a little chat about barging into someone's wedding. You see, that's a BIG no-no!"

Bonnie and I watched as Sarah calmly dragged BonBon down the aisle, and out the back door, all while wearing a long-sleeved black dress that came to her knees and calf-high black high-heeled boots. Herobrine looked after her with a sly smile on his face. "Don't worry, Bonnie. Sarah's got BonBon handled nicely."

"It's not BonBon I'm really worried about now..." Bonnie said, his voice a whisper.

"Oh, may that person be me, now?" A voice asked from behind. I jumped and whirled around to see Vincent. Herobrine ducked behind Bonnie, growling.

 (He doesn't like Vincent, you can probably tell...)

"Oh, yes, we still need to take care of you, Vinny!!" Sarah said, walking back up the aisle, covered with a large amount of blood!?! Well, she IS a killer.... It makes sense...

Sarah arrived at the alter area, dropped her pickaxes, and was about to punch Vincent in the face, when I stopped her.

"Wha..? Oh, do you want to do the honors?" Sarah asked me, and I nodded. Herobrine just laughed.

I walked over to Vincent, and punched him straight in the gabba! Vincent flew back and hit the wall, and slid down. He got up, wincing. "I-I just wanted s-some CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!" Vincent then awkwardly left.

"Okay, I'll take it!" Sarah said, shrugging her shoulders.


It had been 18 years since the wedding, and things have been great. The twins have turned 19. Bonnie had been acting strange four years after we got married, until one day, he turned into his animatronic form and never turned back. I didn't want the men to take him, but they did anyways, threatening to hurt me if I got in the way.

I hadn't seen Sarah since the incident. Hopefully, nothing bad has happened to her. Tobias had grown to be handsome, amazing young man, and Melody had grown to be a beautiful, amazing young woman (Like her mama!! aka YOU!!!). They had both gotten jobs at Fazbear's Fright, where their father had been taken, without them even knowing. I wanted to tell them so badly, but I couldn't.

Mike and Seth were trying to help me through this, but they both had their own griefs going on. Mike had lost Freddy when I had lost Bonnie. Seth and Clara had recently gotten married, but Clara was in the hospital. She had been mugged and beaten badly.

I sighed, and looked out my window, and to my surprise. I saw the person who I never thought I would ever see again.

~~~~The End~~~~

A/N: You guys probs hate me for the ending! But oh well! And yes, there will be a sequel!! Have fun guessing who was at yo window ;] Stay awesome, my PotatoMinions! Bye-Bye!!!

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