Chapter Nine: Disturbing Discoveries

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A/N: I successfully hid from Freddy!!! And I still has his hat.... XD Anyways, no one has guessed who ???? was. I want to tell my friend Izzy buuuuuuuuuuuuuut she'll probably tell her peoples and we probably have some cross-readers and yeah ._. Anywho, THAAAAAAANKS for 1K views!!!! OMS I never thought-no I never dreamed-That one of my stories would EVER get THIS faaaaaaar. Thank you guys!! You make me smile!! And... warning: This chapter contains violent(ish) acts! If I get hate for this chapter because I quote-unquote "Don't know what it's like" is a lie. I do know what it's like. I have friends who know what it's like. So if you don't like: simple-DON'T READ. Thank you! Also, this contains Seth x Clara XD (And if you noticed I put Izzy, Jeff, Ben, and Kati's name in the last chapter and have read Darkened Hearts, and got the reference, you are awesome!!) Thanks!! TIMHx, OUT!! Freddy: THERE YOU ARE!!! GET BACK HERE!!!!

*Timeskip, The next day, Seth's POV*

        I walked over to my locker, which was (thankfully) located by Clara's. I opened my locker and took care of my things (If you think this bit is dirty, GET YO MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER) that I would need for class. I turned around and I saw Clara walk down the hallway, with her head down. Olivia was walking beside her, trying to see what was wrong.

        "S-Shut up, Olivia.... He doesn't like me that way.... And now he probably will never like me that way because of those stupid, backstabbing fishes* that left us last year just because we stood by Seth and not with them..." Clara swore into her books.

        "Clara, get your head out of you books before you run into Seth." Olivia said, trying to lift her chin up.

        "Noooooooo!!!" Clara refused to lift her head up.

        "C-Clara...? Are you okay....?" I asked, placing a hand on her shoulder. Clara tensed under my touch. "C-Clara...?" I tilt her head up to face me, and she doesn't resist. I gasp when I see her face. 

        Bruises and scratches covered her face, her black eyes were red and puffy from crying. I felt anger rise up inside of me. I felt a few tears roll down my own cheeks, "Clara, who the hell did this to you?!?"

        She stayed silent. "Clara," I said again, shaking her shoulders, "Who did this to you!?!" I repeat again, sounding more demanding than a question.

        Clara looked down, not wanting to meet my eyes. "Clara," I urged again, "Who or what is hurting you?! Please... tell me...."

        "Seth..." Olivia said, moving me away from Clara, "She doesn't want you to know. You wouldn't like it-"

        "Hey Clara!! Ready for another beating?" asked Marissa and her friends. Correction: The friends she stole from us. (I don't want hate on this part because some of you may be like "You don't know how it is like to be bullied" And I actually DO know exactly what it's like, because I was bullied irl for (including up to today) three years in a row, so please do not comment "Oh shut up you don't know what it's like" or anything like that okay? Okay. Good talk.)

        "Yeah!" Added Troy, spinning Clara around.

        "LEAVE HER ALONE!" I yelled, running in front of Clara, dropping my books, and receiving the blow. It knocked me off my feet and sent me sprawling across the cold, hard tiled floor.

        "SETH!!!" I heard Mike and Emily cry out, sprinting toward me, "Seth!!! Are you okay??" Mike was asking me, helping me up.

        "HEY!! Get to class!!!" Emily yelled at Marissa and Co.

        "Or what?" Marissa said with a smirk, "You're gonna sick the animatronics on us? Haha. Very frightening! What will they do-cuddle us to death?!? Ahahaha!"

        That's when I noticed Emily's (eye colour) eyes gain a slight, dark, gleam to them, "As one of your Senpais, I suggest you get lost before I make you..." Marissa growled, but did as she was told. Emily was older than her. Emily and Mike being, now 18, and Marissa only being 14. That's a whole four-year difference.

        Marissa grumbled and turned around, followed by her cronies. I sighed and turned to my siblings, "T-Thanks, guys. I don't know haw far it would have escalated if you hadn't of been there..."

        Mike and Emily smiled, and both squished me in a hug, "Well, you're our baby brother. We'd do anything to help you~." 

        I broke free from the hug, and turned to see Clara, picking up my books, "T-Thanks for saving me from Troy, Seth.. T-that was pretty brave of you.."

        I smiled, and gave her a hug, "But of course, you don't deserve being bullied just because you stood by my side." Little did I realize, Clara was a blooshing mess behind me.

 *TimeSkip, after school, Clara's POV, THIS IS THE PART I DON'T WANT MOST OF THE HATE ON*

        Seth didn't deserve to get slugged because he was shielding me. I let my best friend hurt himself for my wellbeing... I'm so weak... He could never like me the way I like him... He probably likes Olivia anyways. 

        I walk to my room and grab my pocketknife, and lock myself in the bathroom. I hold my arm over the sink and cut my wrists again, and again, watching my crimson blood flow into the sink. I felt tears prick my eyes. I cleaned my new cuts and the blade of the knife. I pulled my arm sleeves down and put on my gloves before unlocking the door and putting my pocketknife away.

        I heard a knock on the door and saw that is was Seth. Blooshing slightly, I opened the door and let him in. He apologized for not being able to meet with me yesterday, because he was meeting his brother and sister's boyfriends. (Yes, Clara knows Mike is into guys. Seth told her with Mike's permission.) I nodded, smiling, to cover up the pain.

        Seth grabbed my hands and led me over to the couch, I frowned a little in pain, and Seth most have noticed, "Hey, Clara is something wrong?" Then I felt my cuts hurt really bad, from Seth touching them, "Clara...? Let me see your wrists." Seth said, reaching for my wrists gently. I pulled back from him.

        Seth frowned, "I'll be gentle, I promise." (GET YO MINDS OUT OF THE GUTTER, ITS NOT A HAT. Freddy: YOU STILL HAVE MY HAT, SARAH!!!!! Me: *runs from Freddy again* Bonnie: *Sigh* I have to be the narrator again. Where were we? Oh yes...) Seth grabbed my wrists, as gently as he could, and without asking, he pulled off my gloves and my arm sleeves up. A few tears roll down his face.

        "Why..?" He asks, starting to apply gauze.

        I sighed, "B-Because... Everything is going downhill. I feel like everyone is against me... Including you.... And... I love you, Seth... I could never deal with you against me...." (Bonnie: If you think what Clara said is dirty, than you didn't take TIMHx's advice and get yo minds out of the gutter, because it's not a hat.)

        Seth smiled softly, before kissing me lightly on the lips, his lip piercing is cold against my skin. I blooshed a lot, and I couldn't help but to kiss back. Seth pulls away, before burying his head in my shoulder, "Please, don't ever do this again, Clara.... I love you too much."

        I nodded, "I won't. I promise."

        "Good," Seth smiled before kissing me lightly again.

A/N: YES!!! I eluded Freddy once more!!! Hu-cha! Anyways, I spent about 2 and 1/2 hours writing this with no Markiplier video breaks!! I'm so proud!! TT^TT Anyways, its nice and extra long for you guys to enjoy!! And get yo minds out of the gutter if you think that was dirty, seriously guys, ITS NOT A HAT!! XD anyways, enjoy and OMS THAAAAANKS for 1K views!!! I don't remember if I wrote that earlier or nah. Anyways, enjoy, and bye my PotatoMinions.

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