Chapter One: The Beginning of Jasmine's Life

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"Ugh, where am I?" I spoke as I look around my surrounding. It looks like an old library.

"Huh? I should be in the car with Luna, on the way home. What happened to me? I can't remember."
"Unfortunately, you were in a car accident and you died." A voice said.
"Eh? Huh? What?!? No way that's right! Is my hearing going bad?"
"I am sincerely sorry that you died. You were very young." I- That can't be. I was shocked. But most importantly, is Luna okay? I look around to find her but I couldn't.
"Your sister is not here. She is safe"

Wait, How did that voice know?
"Because I saw it myself." I look around and saw a big blue head talking.

I tilted my head in confusion and was alarmed at the big blue head talking.
" I was there and saw that you were in danger, then I saved you and your sister"
"I'm relieved that my sister is okay, and thank you for saving us but why am I here!? " I asked as I got up.
" You are here because I need you." The voice said.
" What do you mean you need me? After all, nobody needs me" I muttered that last part quietly.

"Jasmine, I need you to be Aladdin's sister," the voice said. Aladdin? Is he talking about Aladdin from the show, Magi? "Yes, from that show you called Magi. You, humans, created a copy of this world and Aladdin. That is quite remarkable!" he said in an eager tone. "How did you, humans know about the life in this realm?"

I shrugged. " I honestly don't know. They made it into a show to entertain us"
"Show..? Entertain...?" I could tell by his eyes he was curious to know.
"Um, hello? Who are you and why do you want me to be Aladdin's sister?" I said, interrupting his train of thought.
"Oh right, sorry. My name is Ugo, Guardian of the Sacred Palace and I chose you to be Aladdin's sister because you are quite special. You have the ability to change people's future"
"Me, special? How? and Sacred Palace?"
"The Sacred Palace is the realm where Ill Ilah originally was. His eyes saddened.
"What is Ill Ilah?"
"You'll find out soon enough" he smiled. That smile seems so lonely, it makes me feel like hugging him.
A flash of light suddenly appeared and I saw everything about Alma Torran, David, Solomon, Sheba, and the Djinns. Tears fell down my cheeks and before I knew it, I was crying. I tried to wipe my tears but they wouldn't stop.
"I am sorry to show such sad memories but it is necessary. Eventually, I stopped crying.
"Oh, it's time for you to go" Ugo said.
" Go where?" I said confused.
"To Solomon's world," he said as his eyes saddened.
"Please take care of Aladdin, Okay?" that was the last time I ever saw him. I closed my eyes and then when I came to, I was in the middle of nowhere. It was grassy and there was a town in the distance. I felt so different. My body changed. I was wearing an open vest with bandages around my chest. I wore a short skirt up to my thigh. My long blue hair was braided. "Wow I look like the girl version of Aladdin," I said excitedly. Now that I got my memories, I understand everything now. "I guess the first step is to find Aladdin but where could he be?Maybe he is in Balbadd. From my memories of the show, this is the beginning of the arc so he would have to be. But one problem... Where the heck is Balbadd?" I was lost. I didn't know this world so I decided to go to the town in the distance.

I hope y'all like this story. I have other chapters but I'm not posting them until I see how this one goes.

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