Chapter Six: Starting our journey

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Jasmine's POV

I don't even remember that happened. As I tried to remember it, my head ached. Why?
Why can't I remember? And the dream, why did I dream of that?
"..smine. Jasmine, Toya is here." Atticus said.
"Huh? Oh, I'm sorry, I was lost in my thoughts"
"It's okay" a woman voice said. It was Toya. She wide opened her arm and it was around me.
"Toya.." I murmured.
"I heard about how you saved Allard." She lets go of me.
"Thank you so much." Huh? What is this warm feeling in my chest? It feels strange yet... nice.

"No problem, I'm glad I could save him." I smiled.
Dorji came in, holding Allard in his arm.
"You have my gratitude as well." He said.
"Um, if you don't mind, can I hold him?" I said hesitating.
"Of course you can! Since you named and saved him, you have every right to do so!" Toya answered.
Dorji gently put Allard in my hand. His face looks so peaceful and so cute even though he's sleeping.
"Is it noon?" I asked.
"Oh right, your journey. Yes, it is noon" Dorji said.
"Okay" I look over to Atticus. I could tell by his face that he wants to hold him.
"Atticus, do you want to hold him?" I asked.
"What? I mean yes, that is if Dorji and Toya are okay with it?" he said.
They both nodded. I gave Atticus, Allard. He blushed at the sight of him.
"So cute..." He muttered.
"He is, isn't he?" I said.
"Yes..." The atmosphere in the room quickly became warm.

Time passed so it was past noon but Atticus and I couldn't delay our business so we decided to start our journey. As we were about to leave, Toya held both of my hands.
"Did you pack food and water? What about medicine? and blanket?" she said. I sweatdropped over her overly concerns

"Yes, we packed all of them" I giggled.
"Are you sure? Maybe you should check just one more time"
"Toya calm down, I'm sure they'll be fine," Dorji said.
"I know that but still..."
"We'll be fine so you have nothing to worry about." Atticus chuckled
"Okay if you say so. Stay safe on your journey. You guys will always have a place here." she said
"Yes we, the Kouga clan, will back you up no matter what." Dorji added.
"Thank you so much, everyone." I almost teared up.
"Well, shall we go now?" I grinned.
"You seem excited about this," Atticus said.
"Well yeah, aren't you?"
"Yes, but you seem to be more excited than me"
Was I? I guess so but I'm not admitting that.
"Nah, I'm not looking forward to the long journey." I smiled as I walk away. He started to follow me. I turned around to say one final goodbye.
"Bye you guys, thank you for all your help and I'll see you one day!"
"Bye!" they shouted. And that marked the beginning of a long journey.

5 days later...

"Ugh, when will we get out of this heat?" I said complaining as we were walking through the desert.
"Don't worry, we're almost there, just got to get through this desert."
"And exactly how long will it take?" I questioned him.
"Uhhh, Ummm,"
"That's what I thought." I sighed.
"Let's take a break." he suggested.
"Yeah okay." then we stop and took our water out of our bags. I shook it to see how much we have left, Atticus did the same.
"We're almost out. We have to stop at the next town for more water." I noted.
"Yes but the problem is the next town is too far."
"Then what will we do?" I said.
"Help me....."
Huh? Did I hear a voice?
"Please..." the voice said again.
"Atticus, do you hear that?" I asked.
"Yeah, it sounds like someone is in danger"
We looked around to see who was there until we found someone in the distance. I had to really squint my eyes to see a figure, it was a girl. We ran up to her to see that she's stuck in quicksand.
"Please help me get out of here!" she shrieked. She was moving too much. Didn't she know that if you move too much, you sink in faster?
"Miss, please don't move too much" Atticus tried to tell her but she was in a state of panic. I looked around for something to get her out but we were in the desert so there wasn't much. "Atticus, what are we going to do?" I asked.
"How about you look in your backpack and see if there's anything we can use?" he suggested. I put down my backpack and looked inside it. To my surprise, I found a rope. How..? I don't remember it being in here.
"A rope, how convenient but why would Toya or Dorji put it in your backpack?" he wondered.
"There's no time for that, we got to save that girl"
"Oh right, give me the rope" I gave him the rope and he threw the rope at the girl.
"Take it!" he yelled. I think she actually heard him and held on to the rope then he started to pull it, but the quicksand was really tugging her down so I helped him pull it. It was hard but we manage to pull her out.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked as I ran to her.
"Yeah... I'm okay.." she said panting.
"What happened for you to get caught in the quicksand?" Atticus queried.
"I-I was looking for my way home but I got lost and got caught in that quicksand." She finally calmed down.
"Well, I must leave now, but thank you for saving me," she said as she got up. She was staggering and stumbling on herself. She's leaving already? and she doesn't even know her way home since she got lost. I'm guessing Atticus thought the same thing because he stopped her in her track.
"Miss, how about you rest first and then we can help you find your way home?"
"Really? You'll help me" she started tearing up. "
You two are such kind strangers" She held both Atticus and mine's hands
"Thank you so...much" She fainted.
"Oh no, is she okay?" I caught her just in time and put her on my lap but then her stomach started rumbling. I was dumbfounded.
"I guess she was just hungry. Hey Atticus, get the food pack from the backpack." He got it out from the backpack and gave it to me. I took a piece of bread and fed it to the girl. she started to chew slowly and swallowed it.
"More, please..." I chuckled.
"Sure" I fed more to her. After she ate all of the bread, she got her energy back and got up.
"Thank you but if you don't mind, what are your names?" she asked.
"My name is Atticus and she is Jasmine," he answered.
"My name is Aislinn, nice to meet you." She bowed.
"Sincerely, thank you from the bottom of my heart" she started tearing up. Both Atticus and I started smiling.
"It's no problem, we don't mind," he said. "Also, I'm curious but where do you live?"
"Oh, I live in Star City" Star City? I never heard of that city before. I look over to Atticus, his face immediately darkened.
"Atticus... are you okay?" I asked. He didn't respond at first but then he said
"Aislinn, in order to get to Star City, we would have to pass through Balbadd. So since our business is in Balbadd, from that point you are on your own, is that okay with you?" his face is still darkened.
"Yes, yes, that is fine! From that point, I should know my way home." She bowed.
"Again, thank y-" she was interrupted by Atticus' cold tone.
"No need for thanks, let's leave now" He took the backpack and started walking.
"Uh, wait for us, Atticus!" I shouted. But he wouldn't listen. I quickly grabbed my backpack, grabbed Aislinn's wrist, and ran after Atticus. Geez, what's up with him?

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