Chapter Eight: All Alone

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Jasmine's POV

"And so, here I am," Aislinn said.
I was taken back by her story. Kind of what I went through but compare mine to hers, mine is worse. Her eyes started to form tears, so I comforted her.
"I-I" she mumbled "I just want to go home, and see my family. I miss them so much" She cried her eyes out until she fell asleep.
I quickly got out the sleeping bag from my backpack and laid it down then I laid down Aislinn. I looked at the same spot where Atticus was sitting but he wasn't there. Huh? Where did he go? I got worried about him so I decided to look for him. I went into the deep forest. Since it was dark, I couldn't see anything. This brought back bad memories.
"Atticus?" I called out.
"Atticus, where are you?" I call out again.
As I walked through the forest, I felt a shiver run down my spine. It feels as if someone is watching me.
"Hello, is someone there?" I got no answer. Ugh, I'm so cold, the wind is blowing. As I walked, I tripped over a rock. "Oww my knee"
I looked at my knee and it started to bleed. Great. Just great. I got up and dusted off the dirt on me. I need to go back, maybe Atticus is back there. As I went back, I realized I didn't know where I was going. Oh no, I'm lost. What should I do? Should I just stay here and wait until Atticus or Aislinn comes? No, that would take too long. Then, what should I do? I'm scared. I slumped to the ground, this brought bad memories. I shivered as I remember what happened back then when I was little.

15 years ago

"Mommy I'm scared, I want to go home!" I cried.
"Shut up, you useless brat!" She slapped me hard.
"And don't call me mom, you're not my daughter" she yelled at me.
"I'm sorry, if you can, try to control her," she said to the stranger in front of me.
"It's fine. After this, I'll have my way with her so the next time you see her, she'll be different" the stranger grinned. I want to cry but if I do then Mom will slap me again.
"I don't care what you do with her but just don't damage her after all, I gain profit from her. Oh, and when will you give the money?" she asked.
"I will send it to your account," the man said.
"Okay, then I'll be taking my leave." Mom walked away without even saying goodbye or even sparing me a glance.
"Mom! Please don't leave me here!" The man forcibly took my arm.
"Mom! Don't go!" My eyes were filled with tears, it was blurry.
"Mom! Please.." She never looked back.
"Shut up! Can't you see? She doesn't care about you and never will." The man taunted me. In truth, I knew he was right but still I want to believe in her.
"Kid, just accept that you'll be alone forever. Life will become easier to bear with." He threw me into this pitch-black room and shut the door closed. That was just the beginning of a nightmare.

"...mine" That man was right.
"...mine" I'll forever be all alone. I'm scared. Won't there be someone to save me from this nightmare?
A voice interrupted my thoughts. "Jasmine?" I heard a voice say. Is that Atticus?
"There you are, what are you doing out here?" he asked. I couldn't say anything.
"Can you get up?" I managed to shake my head. He sighed.
"Alright, you asked for this. He did the unexpected. "Here I go" He
picked me up in a princess carry. "Ehh? Huh?" I finally managed to let out. I'm blushing like crazy.
"What are you doing?" I asked.
"You can't move, right? So I thought this was the best option." I buried my face in my hands. This is embarrassing.
"Atticus..?" I call out.
"Thank you..." That's what I said before I fell asleep. I must have been so tired. I can't remember well, I think Atticus gave me such a sad smile.
"You're welcome."


"Jasmine, wake up!" A voice said. Who's that? Let me sleep more...
"Jasmine, if you don't wake up then all this delicious food will be gone." I got up immediately.

"Huh? What?" my face reddened. Atticus and Aislinn were looking at me.
"Atticus... How dare you?" He laughed.
"It was the only way to wake you up," he said innocently.
"Yeah, we've been trying to wake you for over an hour," Aislinn claimed.
"Although it was funny seeing your reaction" still laughing. I guess I must have been so tired from yesterday. "It wasn't that funny..." I uttered.
I look over to Atticus still laughing. I'm glad to see that he's okay. I looked over to my knee to see it bandaged. I guess when we came back, he must have wrapped it...
"Come on Jasmine, don't you want to have some of this delicious food?" Aislinn beamed.
"Aislinn, not you too..." She handed me soup and bread.
"Hehe" her smile was so bright, I couldn't say anything back.
"Be careful, the soup is hot. Okay, now I'll go collect more firewood to keep the fire going," she said.
"Okay" "I look over Atticus again. I wonder, how did he find me? Then I thought about how he carried me, I blushed.
"Hm? Is there something you need?" Atticus asked.
"Huh? Uh no, there isn't."
"Oh, okay" He looked down. Well, this is awkward. I was curious about where he went so I asked him.
"Hey Atticus, where did you go yesterday?"
"Oh, that? I just went to scout the woods and find water." Huh? Then... I didn't have to worry about him. At that time, I was relieved.
"Wait, were you worried about me?" he asked. My cheeks were flustered.
"H-huh? No, I was... concerned for you because we are friends after all. Wow, I don't usually open up my heart like that so fast.
"Uh-huh, yeah sure," He said as he turned around. For some reason, that kind of irritated me.
"And what exactly do you mean by that? I meant what I said, I was only worried for you as my friend. After all, you are important"
His back was facing me so I wasn't sure but I think he was blushing? It was kinda cute so I giggled.
"I w-will go pack up..."
"We'll be leaving in the afternoon, okay?"
"Okay" Wait, I had one more question to ask him. "Wait Atticus," He stopped in his tracks.
"Yes?" he replied.
"Why were you acting like that yesterday Is there something about Star City?" He froze. There was a long pause until finally, he answered. "Please don't ask that question, and at any rate, I'm sorry for my actions of inconvenience."
Such a cold tone. I never experienced this side of him. I guess I don't know him as well as I thought I did.
"No, Atticus.." He left before I could say more. What was that about? I guess each one of us has a bad past. I should go ahead and pack too, I got up and stretched as I felt the breeze blowing. Something feels off...

Aislinn's POV

"Lalala time to pick some firewood, Lalala" I sang.
I thought about Jasmine's reaction earlier and it was so funny.
"Oh, another firewood, I think I collected enough." As the wind blew, I felt something in the air then, I heard the sound of the leaves rustling.
"Huh? Is someone there? I asked, but all I heard was the wind blowing. Oh, must have been an animal or something"
I started to head back but I couldn't shake this feeling.
"Hello Aislinn," A voice said behind me. That voice- I know that voice anywhere. I turned around.
"Cedric, how did you find me?" I trembled.
"You should've never escaped" That was the last thing I remember. I was knocked out.
Oh no, won't Jasmine and Atticus worry about me...?

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