14. Luna

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He won.

I knew he was going to win and he did.

We left right away. He gave me an hour to pack my things and say my goodbyes.

"You're going to tell him where I am even if I don't want you to, aren't you?" I asked Ashley as we hugged. She knew I was referring to Cash when she nodded her head.

"Of course I am," she answered. After a bit of crying on Ashley's end, she finally let go of me so I could get in the car.

"That boy loves you, Luna!" Ashley yelled and I was thankful my father was still inside the house getting the last of my things. "He'll find a way to you!" I put my finger to my mouth to tell Ashley to quiet down when my father came out of the house.

Ashley blew me a kiss when my dad got in the car and I gave her and my aunt one more sad wave. Then off my dad and I went to the airport, leaving California behind.

"What do you want to do when we get to New Hampshire, kiddo?" He asked me.

Be left alone. "Unpack, probably," I shrugged. "Why do you want me?" I asked him.

"What do you mean? I love you, kiddo and—"

"Stop calling me kiddo I'm almost 18." I snapped, crossing my arms and leaning my head against the rest behind me.

"I got lonely and realized—"

"You got—"

"Stop interrupting me, Luna!" My dad shouted, slowing down at a red light.

"No, you don't get to do this," I shook my head. "For almost nine years of my life you have given one crap about me. You dropped me off at Auntie Jen's house and told me you'd be back. You never specified that it'd take you nine years to figure out that you actually still have a daughter?" My voice cracked and I swallowed my tears. I didn't feel like crying for heat felt like the eighth time that day.

"I- I wanted to reconnect with you." my dad's voice was back to normal as he pulled onto the highway, increasing his speed on the car.

"Why now?"

"I lost my job, okay?" He sighed and pinched between his eyes. "I lost my job. It was my way of forgetting that I left my daughter so when I got fired I was reminded of you."

"That doesn't give you the right to bring me to court and take me away from the people I love," I told my father. "Did you ever think about that? Tearing your daughter away from the people who stayed just so you could take her?" I felt my voice raising and I tried my best to keep it together, gripping the arm rests by my seat.

My dad had parked in a spot at the airport without another word. He grabbed our suitcases and I was given my carry on bag. On our way into the airport, my father handed the keys to the car to a worker. He had explained to me earlier that it was only a rental.

"Let's go," he sounded irritated and took a hold of my wrist. I let him take me to where we went through security. We finally made our way over to the seats and sat to wait to board the plane.

I must've dozed off because I had to peel my eyes open at the sound of voices.

"She's staying here. I talked to the judge after you two left," my aunt's voice was ringing in my ears and I rubbed my eyes. I blinked a few times to get rid of the blurriness and felt like I was dreaming.

"Luna," Ashley gasped as she ran over to me. I sat up in the airport chair and let her envelope me in a hug.

"W- what? Why are you two here?" I asked, my voice groggy from sleep. Ashley pulled me away and I gazed behind her to see my aunt and father talking. I couldn't quite make out what they were saying.

In Between ➣ Cash Baker ✔️Where stories live. Discover now