05. Cash

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I was standing in the back parking lot, watching the baseball team practice. It was a routine at this point since my dad doesn't pick me up until an hour after school gets out. I squinted from the sun and felt someone sit down next to me.

"Well hello." Ashley's face came into view as I bent down to see her. She patted the spot next to her and I hesitated before sitting on the concrete.

"Where's Luna?" I asked and Ashley shrugged off her backpack, letting it fall beside her.

"Her aunt picked her up right after school got out. She's getting a car," Ashley explained. My eyes widened in suprise. "Can I ask you something?" Ashley asked and I nodded.

"Why do you like her?" Ashley asked and I blinked a few times. Running my fingers through my hair, I contemplate what to say next.

"I don't," I shrugged. It was a simple and total lie and I knew Ashley could tell. She squinted and leaned in closer before huffing and pulling away, her lips pursed.

"Yes you do." She leaned back, straightening her legs and placing her hands on the ground behind her and leaning on them. "Why my bestfriend? Why Luna of all people?" She asked. I bit the inside of my cheek and looked up at the sun. It was shining bright, like always.

It was a good question. Why not the girl with the good grades, wide smile, and perfect manners? Why did I like her with the mysterious smirks, dyed hair, and dark style of clothing?

"Because," I finally answered. "Because Luna makes me question everything. The things she says makes me curious. She even makes me smile when I think about her in the middle of class. She's genuinely a mystery and I'm not afraid to try and discover her." I explained with my eyes avoiding Ashley's the entire time.

"Okay." Was all she answered, making me whip my head to face her. "That's all I needed to here." She added and I watched her stand up, slinging her backpack over her shoulder and looking down at me.

"Promise me you won't hurt her." Ashley held her hand out for me to take and I took it, hauling myself off the ground. "She's been through a lot."

"I promise," I spoke truthfully. I would never hurt Luna, I like her too much for that. Ashley waved to me before walking away. I looked back at the baseball team as they started clearing out.

"Yo, Cash, you coming over later?" My friend, Josh asked. He jogged over to me and we met halfway on the field. My other two close friends, Sam and Mychael, jogged over as well.

"Yeah, the four of us are going to hang at Josh's." Sam spoke, taking his hat off and running a hand through his hair.

"Of course I'll be there," I looked between the three of them. I had been friends with these guys for years. We were always together, barely ever seperated; except for baseball.

Last year, I injured my leg sliding into home plate and I quit out of anger. Sam, Josh, and Mychael have been trying to get me to try out again this year and I've been hesitant about it.

"Baseball tryouts for newcomers are tomorrow. You going to be there?" Sam asked as we all walked towards the parking lot.

"Come on, bro," Mychael nudged my shoulder. "Think of the four of us on a team again, rooting for each other and shit."

"I'll think about it," I sighed. There was nothing holding me back from going out for baseball this year, especially since I had a good chance of making the team.

I told the three of them that I'd see them later and waited for my dad to show up.


"I saw you talking to that girl earlier, what's her name?" Sam asked and tossed a chip on the air, Mychael catching it in his mouth.

"Luna," I answered. "Her name is Luna." We were over Josh's house, playing video games on his flat screen TV in the basement.

"Yeah, her." Sam kept his eyes fixated on the screen but continued to talk. "You like her or something?"

Or something. I scoffed.

"I think so," I shrugged.

"Isn't she bad though? Skipping school, I see her taking cigarettes after school by the field." Josh wiped his hands on his pants after grabbing a handful of popcorn before grabbing the Xbox controller again.

"She's not bad," I kept myself from rolling my eyes. Luna wasn't a bad person. She was hurt, mistreated you could say.

All she needed was someone to show that they cared about her. She had people who loved her like Ashley and her Auntie Jen. But I didn't know if she knew how loved she was.

"We're fine if you like her but you should be careful of what other people say." Michael piped up, coming into the basement with bottles of water.

"What?" I laughed. "What do you mean?"

"Well, you two are like polar opposites. You dress differently, act differently. I mean, when's the last time you were even five minutes late to school?" Josh asked and I stayed silent, jaw locked. "You two are like the sun and the moon, never really seen together."

He was right, they all were. I was the sun, and she was the moon. And those two things are never really seen in the sky together. Luna and I are opposites, we would barely work together.


But sometimes the moon stays in the sky until the middle of the day. Sometimes the sun stays in the sky until late at night. Sometimes things work out that aren't supposed to and I'm willing to risk it.

I'm willing to risk everything for that girl.


short and fluffy chapter because idk i have writers block and i want to rip my eyes out

anyways i haven't been active on insta in forever i'm losing motivation to do a lot of things but i promised myself to never let any of my wattpad stories to go unfinished so i will finish them all you can trust me <33

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