07. Luna

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I tried to focus on the road but it was hard when the boy sitting in the passenger seat next to me wouldn't take his eyes off of me. Honestly, I'd kill to know what he was thinking right now.

"What are you thinking about?" I asked him.

"You." I don't think he meant to say it out loud since right after he spoke, his eyes widened. I held back a laugh and pulled into an empty parking lot.

"What are we doing here?" Cash asked, looking around. I parked the car as Cash examined outside. "At a Toys"R"Us parking lot?" He added and I watched where his finger was pointing to the broken down letters at the top of the building.

"Talking." I spoke as if it was obvious. Cash watched me get out of the car and I held my door open, ushering for him to get out his own door. He did, and met me behind the car where the trunk was.

"Jump." I told Cash, gesturing to the trunk of the car. He obliged, hopping up and holding a hand out for me to take. I leaned back against the car, my back hitting the rear window.

"I wasn't completely honest earlier," I looked over at Cash after he spoke, playing with his fingers.

"S'okay," I shrugged, "don't worry about it." I added, sending Cash a small smile. I could make out the way his blue eyes were shining under the lamp posts in the parking lot.

"But it's not okay," Cash shook his head before continuing. "I don't have a car because my dad can't afford it." I couldn't help my next move, it was as if I was acting on impulse. I grabbed Cash's hand as gently as I could, letting my fingers slip through the spaces between his.

"After my mom died," Cash paused and I gave his hand a soft squeeze to encourage him to continue. "After she died, I spent all my time comforting my dad. When the guidance counselor thought it was a good time to send me back to school, my dad absorbed himself in his work to distract him." Cash explained and I heard him sniffle. I searched my eyes over his face until I noticed the small, clear tear slip down his cheek. He let go of my hand to quickly wipe it but I grabbed his wrist to pull his arm away from his face.

"No, don't wipe it away. It's okay to cry, it only makes you stronger," I told him. I felt his eyes on me as I reached into my flannel pocket, pulling out my small box of cigarettes and a lighter. I lit up the roll and slipped it between my lips, breathing in the smoke.

"Luna those really aren't good for you." Cash told me for what felt like the tenth time this week. I just laughed and took the cigarette away from my mouth.

"It makes me feel alive," I answered simply before taking another drag.

"But it'll only kill you." Cash took the cigarette from between my teeth and tossed it on the ground. He jumped off the car and stomped on the stick, making my roll my lips into my mouth to stop myself from laughing.

"We all die one way or another," I shrugged. Cash relaxed his movements, leaning against the car now. "I'll die trying to make myself feel alive." I hopped off the car, smushing the cigarette one more time with the bottom of my boot. I clapped my hands together and looked around for something to do. My eyes landed on a stray shopping cart that wasn't too far away.

"Luna," Cash warned. "I don't think we should--"

"Push me," I almost demanded and Cash was by my side immediately. I hopped inside the cart, knees to my chest. Cash grabbed hold on the handle and pushed me down the parking lot. He turned left sharply, making the cart go on two wheels and I screamed, hands going to either side of the metal cart to hold on.

Cash continued to push me and I let my head hang back, looking up at the moon. The sun had almost completely disappeared, the sky a mixture of purple, pink, and navy blue. I kept my eyes on the moon as it followed Cash and I up and down the parking lot. The wind blew my white hair out of my face as I laughed when Cash let out a 'weeeee!'

"That was fun," Cash spoke while catching his breath.

"Your turn." I hopped out of the cart, landing on the concrete and stopping myself from falling over with my hands. Cash looked at me like I had lost my mind while I wipe the small rocks off my palms.

Maybe I had lost my mind, but I didn't want it back.

"Get in!" I repeated and Cash finally gave in, sitting in the shopping cart and holding onto either side of the metal for dear life. "Do you trust me?" I asked, leaning down to whisper in his ear.

"Luna, usually when someone says that they do something that's not really that trustworthy--"

"Cash, do you trust me?" I repeated in a slower voice. Cash tilted his head to look at me, our faces inches apart. He nodded slowly, lips parted and I pulled back, hands firmly on the handle of the cart.

"This is only going to work if you trust me." I reminded Cash and he just nodded again.

"I trust you," he reassured me. I started pushing the cart at a normal pace before speeding up and full on running. I leaned forward, seeing that Cash's whes were screwed shut. His hands were gripping the sides of the cart sl hard his knuckles were white. I let go of the handle and watched the cart roll down the parking lot, slowly getting smaller and smaller.

"Luna!" Cash yelled and I assumed his eyes were now open. He was about a yard away from riding right into the road.

"Trust me!" I yelled back, hands cupped around my mouth. I ran my fingers through my white hair and started to jog towards Cash. As I got closer, he got closer to heading right into the road. I sped up when I saw him hop out of the shopping cart and land on the grass. The cart rode right into the road, hitting the curb on the other side of the road.

"Luna, what the hell?" Cash wore a bewildered expression and I bent over, hands on my knees as I caught my breath from running and laughing. "I could've gotten hit!" Cash stood up and brushed the grass off his jersey.

"By what cars?" I asked, gesturing towards the empty road. Cash's eyes surveyed the deserted street before meeting my eyes.

"How'd that make you feel?" I asked and Cash shrugged. "There is a right answer," I added.

"Scared the crap out of me," Cash laughed, hand scratching the back of his neck.

"Alive," I breathed. "It was supposed to make you feel alive." I rolled my eyes and held my hand out for Cash to take. He did, with little hesitation and we headed back to the car. We sat back in the leather seats and laughed softly. Cash looked out the window and pointed at the sky.

"The world's luna," he pointed at the moon and I ducked to look out the windshield before leaning back in my seat, a confused look on my face. Cash moved his pointed finger to point right at me. "My Luna," he smiled.

"Your Luna?" I asked, biting back a smile. Cash was looking at me with sparkling eyes, finger still pointed right at me. I looked between it and his eyes, waiting for an answer.

"Yeah, my Luna."


skdjska this chapter is completely improvised

also i went back and added pictures to the top of every chapter. they're all found off of pinterest to give you a visual

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