04. Luna

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The next day at school I had gotten there early so I headed for the cafeteria, which was where the kids went if you had nothing to do in the morning when you got to school. I sat at one of the round tables, my earbuds in as I tied the laces on my Doc Marten boots.

"Hey, Luna." I looked up and saw Cash sit across from me. I pulled the earbuds out of my ears and shot him a smile. I looked around and didn't notice any of Cash's friends around.

"What's up?" I pulled a cigarette out of my pocket, glancing around to make sure no teachers were around before turning back to Cash. "Want to head outside?" I asked and he nodded.

We both made a break for the exit out of the cafeteria. I led Cash around the side of the school where the baseball field was. It was empty, obviously since it was 7 in themorning. I unzipped my backpack, cautiously taking a lighter out and flicking it open. I lit the edge of the cigarette between my fingers and took a drag. I looked over at Cash who watched me carefully.

"Where's Ashley?" Cash asked, breaking the silence. I stuffed the lighter back into my backpack before taking another drag of the cigarette.

"She never shows up early, or on time for that matter," I laugh to myself. "I wouldn't show up early either but my aunt drives me before she heads to work so," I shrug, "here I am."

"You know those are bad for you, right?" Cash gestures to the cigarette between my lips and I nod, smiling at him.

"That's the point." I answer, flicking it out of my mouth and letting it fall to the ground before crushing it with my boots.

"But don't you care what happens to you if you keep taking those?" Cash gestured to the smashed cigarette on the ground.

"I cared a lot once," I admitted vaguely, "and it ruined me. So now I don't care for much at all." I look up at Cash and he has a soft look on his face. We both knew I wasn't just talking about the cigarettes, and more about my life in general.

"Are you," Cash's eyes search my face and he places a careful hand on my shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asks and I blink, confused by his question. I stay silent for a moment before looking up at the sky, smiling when I see the moon still up there, the white contrasting the blue.

"I'm okay," I answer simply.

"Are you sure?" He asks, dropping his hand from my shoulder and stuffing it into the pockets on his jeans. "It's okay if you're not." I sigh, blowing a raspberry before turning to face Cash. My shoulder rested against the brick wall of the school building and I readjusted the beanie on my head.

"You don't tell people you're not okay," I said, "because it's hard watching them not know what to do." Cash sighed and tugged on the straps of his backpack.

"Anyways," I picked myself up off the wall. "I'm going to head out with Ashley. Want to come?" I knew he wasn't going to agree but I felt like it was worth the shot anyways.

"No thanks," Cash shook his head quickly. "I have a test in first period today." He added and I smiled, shaking my own head.

"Cute," I spoke. Without letting Cash answer, I head back into school to wait for Ashley to get here.


"Saw you and Cash talking earlier," Ashley nudged my side. We were at the spot, sitting on the large rock once again. A can of alcohol being sbared between us.

"You got to school on time?" I asked, suprised. Ashley rolled her eyes and shoved me playfully. I laughed and handed her the beer can.

"Yeah, my parents were yelling at each other again so I had to get out," Ashley shrugged. Ashley's parents had been on and off fighting for years and Ashley, being an only child, had no one to turn to except me. We took each other under our wings and that's how we became such good friends. We were alike but different enough to be a good match.

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