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We were cornered. Below us, there were metres of air to fall through, and noting but gravel to catch us. The guards were blocking the door, and in a matter of seconds our hands would have been tied and we would be thrown in jail. I looked at Lawrie. He was tense, ready to fight or run. He glanced at me and I could see fire and fear in his eyes.

'Who are you?' Boomed the guard. Behind him, there was a growing crowd of spectators, including a girl who looked about my age, wearing a deep blue ball gown and the same locket I had - she must have been the real Princess of Caeli. Her face was twisted into shock and fear, her eyes wide and terrified.

'Who are you? Answer me now.' The guard said again, stepping closer. Lawrie stepped back, and so did I. Neither of us answered. I was glancing around wildly, trying to look for a rope, a vine, whatever that could help us get down and to safety. But there was nothing.

The guard walked closer still, cornering us. I was backed into the balustrade, dangerously leaning over the edge. I looked down, and all I could see was gravel that was probably more than ten metres away from us. It would be too far to jump.

Large, strong hands clasped mine, pulling them behind my back.

'Let me go!' I shrieked, twisting away from the guard's squeezing grasp. But he held on and lead me away, into the ballroom. I glanced behind me, and saw that Lawrie was being taken as well. He looked more like a wolf than a human in the golden light - teeth barred, eyes narrowed, jumping, twisting, trying to escape.

We were lead through crowds of people. I would have been mortified, if I hadn't been terrified. The guard lead me through a narrow doorway and into a dimly lit hallway. I could hear Lawrie still struggling behind me. My wrists hurt, and I was swaying while walking, stumbling, going between light headed and ready to be sick from fear. I was pushed into a small room, landing with a thud on the dusty ground. Lawrie was dumped next to me, lying completely still.

'We'll deal with you tomorrow. Don't try any funny business - you won't be able to escape.' The guard that was holding me earlier said through gritted teeth. He pulled out a large key, then slammed an iron door shut with a deafening crash and locked the door from the outside. I heard footsteps receding until it was quiet.

I rushed to Lawrie. He was breathing heavily. 'Are you -' I was cut off when Lawrie rose to his feet and rammed the door, over and over again, yelling, shouting, screaming, banging on the iron with both fists.

'Let us out! Let us out you pigs. Let us out!' His hair was sticking up at all angles and his suit was rumpled and dusty in the dim light. I rushed up to him.

'Lawrie. We can't do anything. Save your strength. Just calm down.' I said as calmy as I could, despite the fact that my hands were shaking and my breath was coming in raggedy gasps. Eventually he stopped, and sank to the ground like a wild beast that has given up. He hung his head and rested his hands on his knees.

'This can't be happening. No. No, no, no, NO.' He yelled.

I was both confused and scared. 'What are you talking about?...... Lawrie?' There was silence, all we could hear was each other's breathing. 'Lawrie.... What just happened to us? Where are we?' I whispered, still unable to fully comprehend that we were just thrown into a dusty room and had our cover blown.

What will happen to us?

'Lawrie? I'm scared. Tell me what's going to happen. You obviously know something.' I said again, desperately. The walls seemed to close around us and the air was thicker, dustier, and I was struggling to breathe.

Lawrie sighed and looked up at me. I was caught off guard, and my heart beat slightly faster. 'You really don't know anything about the Reding Isles? Nothing?' He asked, and somehow in the half - darkness his voice seemed softer.

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