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The butler that welcomed everyone in came up to Anabelle after almost every person had a go at Truth or Dare. I kept a lookout on Jake and Skye out of the corner of my eye. They were leaning against the wall, huddled close as if it was cold, not even paying attention. It made me want to scream and gag at the same time.

After a few minutes of discussion, Anabelle stood up and cleared her throat.

'Excuse me.' She said loud enough for everyone to hear, 'If you would like, we've arranged a special surprise for you. We've hidden a magic bonbon somewhere in the house. You'll each get a clue as to where a bon-bon is hidden, and whoever finds the magical one, will get a special surprise at the end of the night! But don't worry, each bonbon has a treat inside.' Anabelle held out a red Santa's hat filled with colourful pieces of paper.

One by one people went up to take a clue from the hat. I stayed behind, hoping to steer clear of Jake and Skye. The last thing I needed was to get asked questions about why I lied to my best friend, or get scrutinized by my worst enemy. I saw them heading in the same direction, smiling, looking at each other's clues. I was completely invisible to them. An early Christmas ghost.

Eventually, it was my turn. There was only one clue left. As I unravelled it, the shimmery pink paper revealing a short poem, in the same curly writing as on the invitation.

Fire crackles late at night

Curl up with a book and watch the snowfall

Flames cast a warm golden light

You're curled up on a couch against the wall

Fire. Flames. Books. Couch.

It's easy enough to guess what this clue is about. Whoever designed these clues didn't account for the people who actually like solving riddles, and are good at them. A.K.A moi.

I knew I had to look for a living room. It would be simple enough if the house wasn't like a mansion. I walked over to one of the halls leading from the party. Unlike the modern room we were situated in before, the rest of the house was covered in mahogany wood and dusty carpets the colour of spilled red wine and gold. I quite liked it, in a mysterious kind of way.

I wandered around the rooms, peeking inside each doorway to see if I could find the living room. But all I could see were groups of students looking at their phones. This party really didn't have any Christmas spirit, and everyone knew it. They were all probably just trying to get on Anabelle's good side, and get the prize, of course.

I get a flashback, a wave of memories, of how me and Jake used to walk around the maze of trees in the park close to my house. There used to be a beautiful, thickly planted area of trees that you could get lost in. There were bushes, and the canopy didn't let in any light, so we were running in almost darkness. We used to play hide and seek, and when we were older, do homework sometimes, or just talk about stuff that's been happening. There was hardly anyone about there, and it felt almost magical. It was our little hideaway, just for the two of us to share our secrets in. I miss those times.

I was transported to that magical forest for a moment. I walked through a shady hideaway, a cool breeze tickling my neck. Dandelions were scattered by the bushes, and soft, soft bird song flowed from above.

I turned a corner though, and my fantasy fell like hail around me.

I found the living room, without trying, really. But on the couch, I could see two figures, leaning against each other, the too-bright light of phones in front of them. I recognise the pair instantly.

I could have never mistaken the bird's nest of chestnut-brown hair for anyone else's by Jake's. And Skye was with him. They were giggling quietly.

I wanted to leave, to run, to get out of there and bleach my brain. I never knew heartbreak could feel so much like being slapped in the face. My clue lead me here, so I decided I'd at least try to look for a bonbon.

I went to the far side of the room, away from Jake and Skye. I saw a series of shelves, coated in dust and faded from age. I searched through each one carefully, quietly, so Jake and Skye didn't hear me. Dust was swirling around me, threatening to make me sneeze and spoil my cover.

I mainly just find old photo albums, some dated back to the '50s. I wanted to look through them. I was tempted to, but I wanted to find the special bonbon first.

Jake and Skye were whispering now, excitedly, happily, completely unaware of my presence. Until I had to go and ruin that. I was opening a drawer when it crashed down to the ground and narrowly missed my foot. The sound was loud enough to drown out my surprised yelp, I hope. But my cover was blown.

Jake whipped around and stared wide-eyed. 'Hadley, what are you doing here?' He asked, clearly annoyed.

'I'm looking for the bonbon. My clue lead me here.' My voice was squeaky, quiet.

'I thought you weren't coming. I thought you were going to stay at home.'

'I changed my mind last night. I didn't think you'd care if I came. You were too absorbed in your phone to notice me earlier anyway.'

'We wanted some privacy, Hadley. Can you please go?' That stung. A lot.

'Sorry. I didn't know you were in here. And I wanted to get that bonbon as much as anyone.' I was shaky. Me and Jake, we never fought, we never squabbled. We disagreed, sure, but we were always on the same side, in the end. I never had to tread cautiously around him.

Skye looked furious. 'Well, you found it.' She pointed to where the drawer was. 'You can go now.' I tentatively looked inside the space. Indeed, there was a small golden bon-bon at the very back. I couldn't believe it for a second.

Then I reached in.

It wasn't just an illusion. It was real. I grabbed it. It was surprisingly heavy.

I looked at Skye and Jake, waiting, expecting me to leave. I looked at them sadly and hurried out.

In the hallway, I could see the bonbon was bulging. It was as if something couldn't wait to escape. Usually, you would do this with someone, usually, you would share the fun. But I was alone this time.

I pulled it open.

A bang, sounding a lot like fireworks erupted around me. At first, I thought it was some sort of joke Jake decided to play on me. But then the hall started disappearing, and instead of the maroon wood, I could slowly see an indigo sky, filled with fireworks the colours of a peacock. I felt like I was being lifted slightly like the ground was fading underneath me. But then my feet were on solid ground again. I looked around wildly, heart beating faster, panic rising within.

I wasn't at 228 Amber Lane anymore.

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