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I really did pass out, because when I knew what was happening again, my wrists were tied behind my back, and I was propped up against a tree. As my vision cleared, I could see the boy throwing branches into the small fire he made, Felix sleeping without a care in the world, beside it. The warmth of it didn't quite reach me. I was shivering slightly, my head swimming, trying to get my thoughts straight.

My stripy socks were ripped in some places, and my dress was dusted in dirt.

The boy looked at me suddenly, but his gaze was soft, gentle. When he saw I was awake, the softness was replaced with coldness, eyes that looked right at me. He stood up, walked over to me, towering over me and kneeled in front of me. I tried to wriggle out of the ropes, but I felt the blade of his knife at my throat in a flash.

'Don't. Move.' The boy said threateningly. I gulped, and I was sure he could hear my heartbeat from fear.

It was just fear, nothing else.

'Who are you?' He said, slowly moving the blade away from me and back into his pocket. He held my gaze steadily.

'I'm looking for the hunters.' I manage to say.

'Who are you?' He repeated again.

'Hadley. I'm Hadley.' I said, trying to sound less scared than I was.

The boy, who looked about my age, looked at me for a while, studying me. It was freaky.

'Why am I here? I need to find the hunters.'

'You got caught in my trap. And I'm not gonna let you go like some innocent dog. You don't have any food, so you could easily follow me and take mine.'

The answer left me baffled. Trust issues much? But I guess he was just trying to survive.

'I don't want your food. I had a big enough breakfast this morning. Now if you won't mind untying me, I need to get to the hunters.'

The boy sighed, clutching his head in his hands. 'Will you stop saying that! I know you've got places to be, but let me make this clear. You aren't welcome here. You are from the palace, one of the council's kids I bet. You and I aren't friends. They are trying to get me, put me in prison... You're one of their spies, aren't you? Well, listen here, Missy. I'm not about to let you roam around the forest unattended. If you're from that stinking palace, you're trouble. You'll stay right here until I figure out what to do with you.'

Silence descended on us. It felt like he slapped me. I replayed his threat in my mind, my heart beating faster. That couldn't have been good. 'Who are you then?' I asked into the silence.

'You already know, Missy. You're a spy, and I'm sure they told you all the details, everything about me. Or is the council more idiotic than I thought?' His lip curled, his eyes harsh.

'Do I seriously have to tell you my whole life story to get you to trust me? I'm not a spy, okay. I'm looking for the hunters so I can get back home. You must be crazy to think that I'm a spy because let me make this clear - I'm not.' I was annoyed, exasperated, fuming, but the boy silently stood up and went back to the fire.

He still had his arrows slung behind him, and I squinted to see what was written on the bag.... Lawrie. I could name out the name 'Lawrie.' He must have been Lawrie, right?

'First of all, I'm not interested one bit in your made-up stories, and secondly, shut up. The way you talk, half the forest will be able to hear you, and the rabbits will be scared. That leaves me with no food.'

While Lawrie was talking, I worked away at the knot binding my hands. My fingers were starting to hurt, but I was soon able to loosen it enough to wriggle free. With Lawrie's back turned, I stood up.

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