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We flew over the forest, and my breath was taken away. It was beautiful. It took longer than I expected to get to a cluster of grand buildings, which I suspected consisted of the lodge I stayed in a few nights back, and the palace Lawrie was talking about. I was further away from the lush green forest dotted with pink and white peacocks and magical tables than I thought.

The soldiers were whispering quietly between themselves, but I could just hear what they were talking about.

'Are you sure she is the Princess?' One of them asked the other.

'Yes. I'm certain. She had the Caeli royal locket. If she weren't a royal she wouldn't have it on.' The other whispered. I only them realised I was still wearing the locket I found in my room at the lodge. He had to be referring to that.

'If you are sure.' Sighed the soldier who was holding the reins.

I felt Lawrie stiffen and take his arms away from me. He must have heard the conversation too. And he obviously didn't like something about it.

The penguin landed in the courtyard I appeared in a few nights ago, but it looked completely different. There weren't any ladies in frilly dresses from a century ago, or fireworks dancing in the sky. The decorations on the trees were still there, but the tables were dragged off to one side in an awkward group, as if someone hastily cleaned up at the last minute.

As the soldiers got off the penguin and helped me down, I couldn't help looking around wide-eyed. I was fiddling with the locket, opening and closing it and earing the satisfying click. The soldiers dismounted and helped me and Lawrie down. Felix was trailing behind me, a few steps away for being trodden on my Lawrie.

'Follow us please, your highness.' One of the soldiers said, and lead us past the courtyard, to the grand double doors. Just outside, both the tall men stopped and turned to me.

'We apologise for your detour, and that the Royal Guard couldn't find your sooner. On behalf of the Queen, we hope you will enjoy your time here, and the ball later tonight.' His eyes looked me up and down, then slipped to Lawrie. We must have been a shocking sight - two kids in dusty clothes, messed up hair and bruises and cuts - oh, and a fluffy cat with leaves in his fur. Nothing like the princess the soldiers assumed to find, I bet.

'I apologise - this is my chaperone ... Lawrie' I gave Lawrie a pleading look, hoping he would go along. Much to my relief, he bowed silently, looking straight ahead. Then he shot me a glance filled with anger.

The soldiers nodded and opened one of the doors encrusted with gold. They opened slowly, obviously heavy. The soldiers lead us inside. My boots were the only sound in the marbled hallway. A Christmas tree decorated with beautiful baubles was placed in the middle of the entry, and on both sides winding staircases lead to the upper floor.

'We hope the palace is a suitable place to reside in while you stay in the Reding Isles.' One of the soldiers said as he lead us up the stairs.

'Yes, yes, the palace looks divine.' I said as certainly as I could.

The men lead us through a carpeted hallway from the landing, and stopped at a cluster of doors. 'A room was prepared for you, Your Highness, but I'm afraid we have not prepared one for your chaperone. We were not expecting for anyone to join you, but the maids will set up a room for him shortly.' A soldier said, and I nodded slowly.

'That is fine. I do apologise for bringing my chaperone, by my ... my governess said it was the best option for me.' The lies slid off my tongue easily enough, but I had to keep my cover in order to find a better way of reaching the hunters.

One of the soldiers with a handle bar moustache, the one who was holding the reins of the penguin opened the door to a room and I had to cover my mouth in order not to gasp too loudly. The room was even more beautiful than the one in the lodge. The ceilings were painted with a mural of people at a ball, and the canopy bed was draped in silvery blue gauze. A large mirror was situated next to a window that reached the tall ceiling. Light was flooding in and it looked like a fairy tale.

I turned to the moustache soldier. 'Thank you. If you don't mind, I would like to rest before the ball.' The idea of a ball excited me. The dressing up, the music, the atmosphere.

'The maids have already arranged your luggage.' The soldier said.

'Thank you.' I ushered the soldiers and Lawrie out and locked the door. Breathing a sigh of relief, I ran to the bed and jumped on it, feeling the softness of silk on my cheek. Felix clambered on after me, walking in a circle and settling down to sleep in the corner of the bed. I closed my eyes, which were heavy and sore from the wind.

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