Chapter Nine

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I smiled at our wonderful place as we unboxed everything. I glanced over at Natsu who was already snacking on our food.
"So what's next?" I asked leaning on a box labeled pictures.
"We get to live comfortably, without any worries," Natsu said rolling up a bag of chips.
"I'd enjoy that," I smiled gleefully and  went back to the pictures.
"Hey Luce... Can I tell you something," Natsu asked.
"What's up?" I asked looking up from the photo box.
"Somethings been on my mind for a while" He sighed running a hand through his hair.
"Natsu what's wrong?" I asked walking over to him.
"The hero agency didn't kick us out cause we were too young, they kicked us out because of me," Natsu looked at the ground shaking.
"Okay, I'm guesssing there's more, but before you say that, Natsu, you are my family and the only person I've ever cared about, I don't care what's different about you," I framed his head in my hands and kissed his cheek he brushed my hands away and looked me in the eyes, he looked so scared and worried.
"My brothers Zeref... and Lucy, I'm supposed to be the worst of the worst, I'm supposed to be a demon that destroys everything... but I'm scared of destroying everything, I didn't tell you because I knew you had a lot of issues already, and now that you're safe.... I thought you should know," A tear slid from his face as he stuttered the words out.
I stood shocked that Natsu thought I'd leave him because of this,"idiot" I muttered hugging him.
"I-... I just didn't want to loose you and your Dad always-"
"Natsu, I promise I will love you no matter what, okay?" I said pulling away from the hug so I could look at him.
"Okay, and I promise to always protect you," he smiled and whipped his tears away.
"I love you," I whispered hugging him again.
"I love you too Lucy," he responded holding onto me tightly.
"So... why haven't I met zerif before?" I asked.
"Well uhh... I might've gotten in an argument and told him to leave you alone," Natsu laughed scratching his head.
"Wait he's been to our old house before?" I asked pulling away from the hug.
"Yeah but he only wanted to check up on me," he said blushing.
"So why didn't the hero agency let you in? Was it only because of zerif or did you say something," I asked.
"Well that and they said that they would need to contact your dad since technically he is your guardian," Natsu said.
"Oh, so you were protecting me," I said blushing.
"Yeah not a lot of people use zodiac magic so that's why we had to run away," he said looking at me.
"So if we really wanted to we could be heroes," I joked.
"Yeah but they have a system," Natsu said smirking.
"Oh and what's their system," I asked.
"It has something to do with helping those around you and not being selfish, but I'm kinda selfish,"
"That you are," I responded leaning in for a kiss.
Natsu picked me up and kissed me as he walked into the living room.
"So how do you like the name Dragneel?," he asked.
"I think it will look wonderful with my name." I responded combing through his hair.
We were about to kiss again when the doorbell rang.

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