Chapter four

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I stared at the Necklace the girl wore, there was no mistaking it, that was the one The fire Mage took from Erza.
"Erza... We let them go..." I said upset.
"No we didn't" Erza told me grinning.
"We didn't?!" I said chirpily.
"Of course not, I have placed a tracker on them, now tonight we will crash into their place and take them... After all these years we've finally found them, there's no mistaking if, the girl
Was her and the boy was him." Erza told me.
"Now that you mention it... The girl did look like the celestial Mage... Why haven't we seen them sooner?" I asked her thinking about it. They seemed really sloppy today , as if they were slacking off. The girl wasn't exactly hiding and that must've meant something.
"Do you think..."
"Think what?" Erza asked looking at me.
"This might be the last chance for us to catch them" I told Erza.
"Think about it, this is the first time we have seen anyone even close to the two, why would they be so risky as to go out in public unless they plan on doing something." I said starting to pace.
"Something like what?" Gray asked looking up from his phone.
"I think they're going to leave here"
"Leave?" Erza said.
"Duh! " I said 
"Well we have tonight to stop them" Gray said smirking.

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