Cotten Candy

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•TaegiMinkook (Is that the ship name?-)
•Comedy? 😂
•Based off real life conversations 😭
•Posting this now cause why not have something cheerful after a serious chat 😂

Jungkook yelled across the dorm as he ran across the hall to where his tiny hyung is. Yoongi furrowed his eyebrows with a confused look on his face as Jungkook slid into the living room on his socks.

Jungkook said out of breath as Yoongi glanced at his phone one last time before sighing and setting it down.
"What do you want Jungkook Im-"
Yoongi was cut off by Jungkook hushing him with a motion of his finger.
"Yes I get your busy, But this is Important."
Jungkook said with a glare and a serious expression.

Just as Jungkook was about to speak again a Door down the hall bursted open and out ran the rest of the Maknae line screaming something about Jungkook being Psychotic or On Drugs.

Taehyung and Jimin sat on each side of Yoongi and where both shouting something at him. Yoongi hid his face in his hands and groaned.
"What the hell do you three want"
Yoongi asked as he peeked through his hands at the Youngest standing in-front of him with his hands on his hips and an annoyed expression.

Jungkook took a deep inhale before saying,
"Hyung listen. Say you have Cotten candy flavored candy, BUT Listen."
Jungkook made an exaggerated hand motion at 'But Listen' Causing Jimin to slap a hand over his mouth to contain his laughter as Taehyung flopped backwards onto the couch.

"Its not ACTUAL cotton candy, its just cotton candy FLAVORED stuff, Like Ice-cream or Taffy, whatever"
Jungkook continued as Yoongi rolled his eyes.
"Jungkook where is this going"
Yoongi asked as Jungkook huffed and stomped his foot, looking like an angry rabbit.
"Cotton Candy flavored things, Not the actual thing, Cotton candy FLAVORED things, Taste SMOKY! AM I RIGHT OR AM I RIGHT?!"
Jungkook screamed the last part.

Yoongi took a moment to process what Jungkook said as Taehyung made a sound similar to a dying seal.
"MATE it tastes like-"
Jimin paused as he made jazz hands
Jimin finished as he flopped over onto Yoongis lap laughing. Taehyung huffed and sat up.
"NO it tastes good! Like COTTON CANDY"
Taehyung said as Jimin shook his head and Jungkooks eyes rolled in the back of his head.

Jungkook got on his knees and stared up at Yoongi with a glare.
Jungkook began as He placed his hands on Yoongi knees and basically stared into Yoongis soul.
"Do. Cotton. Candy. FLAVORED THINGS. Taste. Smoky. Like, Ya know it has that Smoky flavor"
Jungkook said as he continued staring into Yoongis soul as Jimin wheezed and leaned onto Yoongis should as he tried to catch a breath from laughing.
"Children it tastes like air"
Jimin said as Taehyung once again made a sound similar to a dying seal.

"Hyung settle this or we'll be stuck in an endless loop of what the fuck tastes like what"
Taehyung cried as Yoongi blinked.

Yoongi really regretted not going out To Dinner with The rest of the members at that moment.
Yoongi squinted at the clock on the wall while thinking, Knowing no matter what he answered two of the three where gonna kill him. Yoongi shook his head in realization, Its about fucking cotton candy.

Yoongi sighed and death stared the three before rolling his eyes.
"It does taste kinda smoky-"
Yoongi was cut off By Jimin flopping backwards with a wheeze and Taehyung rolling off the back of the couch with a squeal. Jungkook smiled and picked Yoongi up bridal style.
"I Fucking TOLD you two!"
Jungkook screamed as Jimin sounded as if he was crying from laughing too hard.
"Man it tastes like air how are you-"
Jimin was cut off with a Sob-Laugh as Taehyung was laughing his ass off on the floor.

Yoongi shook his head and Softly hit Jungkooks chest to be let back down on the couch. Jungkook shook his head with his bunny smile as he tightly hugged Yoongi before laughing.
"You proved me right so therefor I won you, You are my trophy"
Yoongi was about to say something before smacking Jungkooks chest a bit harder from embarrassment. Jungkook smiled and let Yoongi fall out of his arms and onto the couch while Jungkook ran around the couch screaming about how he was right and They where wrong.

Yoongi blinked and stared at the wall before thinking,
What the fuck just happend.

So? 😂 This happend like 10 Minutes ago and Knowing that I just wrote something serious why not lighten the mood a bit.

Any Thoughts?

Also does anybody have any requests? I might not get them done like as soon as tomorrow but im running low on inspiration Lol please help

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