Plastic Bag

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-Yes I get I have a lot of Part 2's of things to post but I promise I am Working on them, School Just has me fucked up and Im sorry to anyone who's like Getting pissed at me for not posting them But I promise they will be out soon...... I hope (Don't Kill me)
•Shit Post
•Cat Hyrbid Yoongi
•Human Jin
•Crack fic?
•I came up with this Idea after watching a cat video 👍 (Bare with me here my motivation is running low and Im running on 2 hours of sleep and Coffee 😀😂

It was now 4:30 in the afternoon and Jin was on a mission to find the little shit who scratched him earlier and bailed. Clearly he wasn't doing well, as it has been 3 hours since said 'Little Shit' Had ran off.

He didnt understand. They live in an apartment for fucks sake, How could he still not have found him?

Jin sighed and Sat on the back of the couch and stretched.
"Yoongi-Ah If you dont come out right now Im not feeding you"
No answer.
Jin groaned And dug the palms of his hands into his eyes in frustration.

"Yoongi-ah I swear just come out ya brat Im not gonna punish you"
Jin dropped his arms and sighed once again. No answer.
"Yoongi im gonna call Jungkook to come pick your boney ass up if you dont-"
Jin was cut off by Yoongi running into the living room in his cat form in a panic with what seemed to be... a Plastic bag stuck on his tail?

Jin was cut of By Yoongi hissing and trying to swat at the bag before figuring it was too hard and tried to run away from it. Jin stared down the cat in confusion as he ran down the hall and back out again.

Jin decided to chase yoongi in order to catch the panicked little shit, Bad Idea. He ended up hunched over the wall, wheezing.
"Yoongi Come here I am trying to help you"
Jin tried. Yoongi stopped Mid-way down the hall and looked at Jin before dashing over to him.

Jin sighed in relief with a small smile as he picked the Cat up. Yoongi hissed at the bag and swatted at it a couple times before Jin rolled his eyes and grabbed the plastic bag, pulling it off his tail.

Yoongi blinked and looked up at Jin before turning into his human form, Still being held by Jin. Yoongi smiled innocently up at him Before Hugging him.
"Thank you~"
Yoongi sing songed before patting Jins shoulder in a way to tell him he wants down.

Jin huffed out a laugh as he turned his head to the side and showed Yoongi the three scratch marks on the side of his face.
"Don't think Your getting away that easy ya brat"

Yoongis soul seemed as if it left his body.
"But you said I wouldn't be punished! Plus it was an accident! You scared me..."
Yoongi mumbled the last part with a pout. Seokjin sighed before kissing his cheek and hugging him a little tighter.
"Your lucky I love your needy ass or else I'd put you in your shock collar"
Jin grumbled as Yoongi smiled and poofed back into his cat form and brushing past Jins feet to dash back to the kitchen to steal more carrots Jin was previously trying to cook with.

What did I just write 😀😂 Ive resorted to this-
I hope you all like it? Uhm... I guess thats-
I dont know okay? 😂
I hope you all liked whatever, THIS was but uhm. Expect alot of these in the future cause, I cant- Just- 😀👍 Have a great day

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