Security Guard

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TW: Blood, Paranoia (?)
•I have absolutely no Idea what categories this would fall into. Just enjoy I guess? 😭

Yoongi sighed as he tore his little "security" hat off, clocking out of work with a sour expression. See, Yoongi worked as a security guard for his local mall, and oh how good for him that this particular mall just so happens to be the most popular mall for miles.

He checked his expensive looking watch and realized it was well passed 12 am, and he just now finished cleaning up trash from the food court, how splendid.

He walked out of the staff room with a limp in his step, he somehow managed to fly down a malfunctioning escalator that night along with getting hit in the leg by a closing gate from one of the stores. He realized it was still open so he took it into his own hands to close it, and he fucking shouldn't have. But hey, at-least he fixed the escalator.

As he was limping across the mall with his keys clinking together every other step to get to the entrance that he parked at, he felt a sting in his arm and paused, looking down at his arm and noticing blood dripping from his arm and onto the marble white floors. He examined his arm in disgust, not exactly knowing what caused the cut, but what he DID know was that he now had to clean his blood up from the floor.

Yoongi then thought to himself that it was about time that the mall hired Janitors— He wasn't just saying that because of his own blood, no, that would be hypocritical. He was saying that because of the absolute slob excuses for human kind that throw their trash on the ground, that he cleaned up after for about two hours, and now he had to deal with... this.

He took a handkerchief out of his pocket and crouched down to clean the blood, he groaned as he stood upright due to his leg and he tied the rag around the small wound— now don't call him nasty for that, it was his own blood that he just cleaned, and he knows damn well how clean those floors were, he cleaned them himself.

When he looked up from his arm and into the big dark mall he could've sworn that just for a second, he saw someone standing there. Which wouldn't be possible, all the doors were locked and he made sure everyone of the workers were out. He was the only one there. But he still couldn't help the eerie feeling that he was being watched.

He shook his head and blamed it on the sleep deprivation and living off of coffee and whiskey for a week. But he was sober, so don't even try and blame it on... that.

He continued his merry little limp to the locked glass door were his car was parked feet away. He would finally get to go home after this damned 23 hour shift. Yeah. Twenty Three Hours. He reached for his keys and swore. They of course weren't there.

His twenty three hours were turning into twenty four as he limped back to the staff-only room, where he knows he left them. Once he thoroughly searched the room he swore once again, this time much louder. He didn't have his fucking keys. He was locked in a mall.

He didn't know what to do, he couldn't have left his keys somewhere in the mall? He's had them all day, recalling the jingling of them hooked to his belt loop whenever he walked. The only time that he didn't remember the clinking sound was when he was cleaning the blood from his mysterious wound.

Well. He hasn't been doing any illegal drugs? So he can't blame it on that... So he looked outside of the staff room to where he remembered cleaning his blood, thinking he might've dropped them. But of course, no keys. But, there was a puddle of red liquid. A big puddle.

He slapped a hand over his mouth and looked at his arm in absolute terror, but it wasn't from him. He thinks that maybe his eyes are just playing tricks on him, He hasn't gotten sleep in over two days after all.

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