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(Warning! Read at your own will...I did not write this chapter alone...I am sorry :))

Bad held my hand gently, yet our fingers were intertwined tightly as he took me back to his room, he didn't say much but he seemed to be quite happy and comfortable around me... I could tell he was still scared slightly, but wasn't sure why...But when he looked at me and smiled...my heart skipped a beat.

"Did you have fun?" Bad whispered with his normal tone, the one that sounded so gentle and well thought out.

 "of course I did dummy" I responded, tilting my head to look at his side profile, his sharp jawline, his gentle cheek bone.

He sat up, moving to the edge of his bed and sighed as he was struggling to get his shoes and socks off...Sitting up I laughed and watched as he was finally able to do so.

"God, Bad you're so much fun to hang out with." I let out, resting my hand on his thigh directly above his knee and I watched his face immediately go from the normal to a deep red.

"Bad I-" hesitantly I began, wanting to confess to him again...But he uninterrupted me...causing me to be at a loss for words.

"Skeppy...I know...I just..." He trailed off, touching the edge of his hood like he usually did.

The feelings we had for each other were very clear....But why do I want to have my body pressed against his?...to break that boundary that lay silently between us...God...How I wanted it so bad...How could this be happening...Bad was my first friend are we really about to-

"Skeppy I know what you're thinking it's okay..." Bad had broken me out of my thoughts, making me turn red....

"Bad...Do you trust me?" I asked without responding to what he had just said...Despite feeling so shy suddenly my voice was full of tenderness... I could see it in him...And feel it in me. Our blood ran full of embarrassment and lust.

"Of course I do." He said, very seriously.

My hand started shaking as I began to reach for Bads hood...

I wanted to see what was under It I needed to know...Please...trust me enough for this Bad.

Both of us were exploding at the seams... burning up at the thought of what was about to happen...I could see that he was thinking the same things as me...I could tell he wanted it as much as me as well. But right before my hand reached Bads hood...He reached up and grabbed my wrist.

"Skeppy...Please don't, you won't think of me the same. I've told you before... I'm not...normal" His eyes traveled down my face and I felt his grip against my wrist tighten, almost as though he was scared.

"Bad...Please. No ones normal, you know this already... You said you trusted me... So please just trust me now." I reassured him, making him inhale slightly.

I watched in shock as Bad moved my hand to his hood and met my eyes with a subtle nod, telling me it was okay...

Slowly I moved the black hood with red outlines off of his head and was stunned...I couldn't believe what I saw..

Resting atop of Bad's head... Just lightly peeking out of his brown curly hair was a pair of crimson slightly hook curved horns...In disbelief I moved his hair aside very slightly to see better.

This was what he was hiding...all this time we've known each other that's what he was hiding...But what does it mean...could it have to do with the woman I had seen last night...What does it mean...and what else is Bad hiding...

Gingerly I moved my hand to the side of his head, resting it in his unusually soft hair, his fingers still wrapped around my wrist as he kept his eyes on mine.

"Bad..." I spoke, voice shaky and my lips trembling...But I was amazed...He seemed to think I'd be scared of it, but it amazed me, and did kind of scare me...But in the moment I didn't know what to think.

Softly my fingers touched the horns, making him wince away...Looking slightly scared of me, but I could see it didn't hurt.

"I told you...I-" He tried to speak but I interrupted him by sliding the hand that had touched his horn behind his head, bringing my lips to his, very lightly as if I was asking for permission first.

I didn't have to wait long for an answer as Bad pressed his lips against mine, grabbing both of my hands as he slowly placed a hand on my shoulder and pushed me backwards onto the bed...

Before it was nothing more than a fantasy...nothing more than thoughts that crept into a dark part of my mind... But it was happening...Bad was on top of me...Kissing me harder than I'd been kissed...And I was returning it...

I came back to reality as our lips parted for air, panting filling the silence between us... Air hit my lungs as though I'd never been able to breathe before, but I could only focus on him.

"Skeppy... what are we doing"? He questioned...Cheeks very dark red... Lips parted so he could breathe

"It's alright Bad...Just relax" I said as he let go of my hands that had been placed above my head.

I reached up to his waist, pressing my fingers into his sides while moving one of my legs to wrap around the one he had placed between my thighs, easily flipping our position so that I now rested on top of him, propped up on my elbows so our chests were pressed together...It felt so effortless with Bad... Our movements were always perfectly synced together as if we had been waiting for this since we were kids.

"He's letting you take him...Just do it, he'll forever be yours if you do..."

I gave in to my desires and kissed him again, this time when he kissed back my tongue pressed the entrance of his lips, asking him if it was okay and he caved, bringing his arms around the back of my neck as our tongues danced a dangerous tango.

Bad let out a gentle moan from deep inside his throat as the heat in the room began to rise. Hearing this excited me to new levels as I slowly, making sure to tease the skin, kissed down his jawline...Down his neck, and back up to around his ear...The soft gasps and panting I heard in response from him told me that he was enjoying it almost as much as I was...I could tell that I wasn't the only one that felt restrained by my jeans as I reconnected our lips.

I shivered as Bads hands slid down my back to the edge of my hoodie.

We both jumped, startled as there was a soft knock mere seconds before the door swung open and we heard "Hey Skeppy, your father-" He paused, looking between Bad and I before grabbing the door knob and leaving the room, shutting the door again.

I immediately got off of Bad and started putting on my socks and shoes but was almost immediately interrupted by Bad, sounding more breathless than I felt.

"Skeppy...what were we doing?" He asked, fingers touching his lips as he sat back up.

"I...I don't know, I have to go Bad." I replied as I rushed out the door, Fuck...How did I explain this to Father Johnny?

Did that really happen..Fuck..fuck...fuck...Bad and I...We were...This can't be true...it can't...And I was enjoying it...and he was to...Fuck what would have happened if I Father Johhny didn't...Ohh god that's so embarrassing...why didn't I stop myself sooner? It felt so good to know how he felt though, so amazing to be like that with him...How could this be happening... Shit wait what if my dad finds out...that can't happen it can't...

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