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Again...Read at your own caution...It's another super gay chapter :)

I sat quietly on the rocking chair on our front porch, listening as the rain came down. It helped calm me down when I was anxious, or nervous...And after what happened with Bad...I...I just needed to think straight. The sound along with the smell of the rain were so calming and peaceful, so much so that it put my mind at ease. I could finally think properly....But before I slipped too far into the peace and quiet of the rain, with cars passing every once in a while I heard a familiar voice calling my name.


 Bad? I open my eyes, seeing that Bad running towards me in the rain.

His hands tugged down at his hoodie...He was hiding but I could tell he was crying.

I got up and came closer, not going into the rain as I watched him run.

"Bad! What are you doing here! Are you okay! What happened?" I called out to him.

I left the porch into the cold rain, startled as Bad's weight suddenly crashed into me, arms tightly around me, so I lightly hugged him back, silently listening to his sniffles...The tears were warm against my neck compared to the rain that poured against us.

"Let's go take a shower...Warm you up and you can talk to me when you're calm." I said while rubbing his back lightly.

He numbly nodded against my neck, making me smile as he untangled himself from my body and followed me inside.

Dad wasn't home from work so I wasn't as worried about holding his hand to lead him to the shower that was across from my room.

"I'll get you a change of clothes." I let him know when I turned back to face him....

He hadn't looked up so I moved a finger under his chin, lifting it to meet his eyes...Gladly he was just barely shorter than I was so his neck wasn't craned all the way back to look up at me.

"You're so pretty." I breathed out, hand coming to his hood for a moment, waiting to see if he'd let me see the horns again.

He nodded so with one hand I slid the soaking wet hood off his head, bringing my lips to his very lightly to comfort him. With my other hand I lightly took a hold of his hips to bring him closer to me before breaking the kiss.

"Such a pretty distraction." I sighed, letting go of him again...I worried about why he was being so silent...But knew he'd tell me what was wrong sooner or later

"Skeppy...Why don't the horns bother you?" I heard him ask from behind me as I went into my room to get him some clothes to change into.

I turned around with a gentle smile.

"Because no matter what you look like...You're still you. The Bad I love and care for. Horns or no horns..." His smile made my heart pound, so I took a chance to make him shy and struck while I had him here.

"Plus...It makes you sexier....Like little love handles on your head instead of your hips~" I laughed out, making his cheeks turn bright red.

"I-...Language Skeppy...You're so weird." He let out, turning away from me to go into the bathroom but I grabbed his elbow.

"You need clothes. Let me grab them." I smiled, letting go of his arm before going into my room and getting him some black jeans without any holes in them and a black shirt.

I'd give him one of my hoodies later so my dad didn't see.

I handed him the clothes and watched him vanish into the bathroom for a nice relaxing shower.

While bad showered I changed into my classic faded jeans with holes in the kneecap and put a blue hoodie on, not even bothering to wear a shirt on under it.

After a few minutes Bad came out of the bathroom and slight panic crossed his face and he went into the bathroom, looking for something but came out again to put one of my hoodies on, sliding the hood over his horns.

"Bad you don't need a hoodie it's just me" I said with a chuckle, watching him with amusement.

"Force of habit I guess and your parents might walk in" He replied, his normal upbeat attitude coming back.

I didn't want to push him to talk about earlier, and why he was here...But I did want to know if he was okay.

"Do you wanna talk about it Bad?" I asked quietly, laying on my side to face him.

"I got into a fight with Father..." he said absentmindedly, pausing for a second before he spoke again.

"I shouldn't have said some of the things I did but...He was refusing to tell me about my horns...Like always."

He paused once again and inhaled.

"I used to always ask him about them as a kid and I always got the same answer. I finally accepted it...But then when you were over and..." He stopped himself blushing slightly remembering what happened.

"Bad...I know, it's okay...But why won't he tell you?" I questioned hesitantly, watching him lay on his side and curl up against my chest.

"That's the other thing... He doesn't tell me anything....I know he can tell how mad and upset it makes me...I love him like a Father but... I don't know...It's so hard when I have these stupid things on top of my head." He said, slightly muffled since his head was buried in my neck.

"Why don't you like them?" I questioned again, letting him get it out...But also learning new things about him.

"I've always been told to hide them...and I don't know what they are...It's just a big question in my life just like... My parents and who they were'' he replies again, sighing against my skin and making me shiver lightly.

"Makes sense" I agreed, kissing his forehead.

Bad looks lifts his head up and looks at me again. Jeez, why was he so pretty? I thought to myself.

"Skeppy...what are we doing?" he questions, just like before.

He moved from the position to he could look at me.

"Bad just don't think about it...You and me are all that matter." His green emerald eyes met mine with a soft smile.

I couldn't resist. I grabbed the back of his neck, softly pushing him back against the bed. This time...there wasn't any hesitation.

We were both fully aware what was happening as I straddled his hips, letting him grab hold of my sides while I stripped my hoodie off and worked on getting his clothes off between a tangle of kisses. There was no lust...Just us.

The soft moans filled the space between us, his nails sliding down between my shoulders while I left dark blue love marks along his neck....

"S-geppy" He moaned out, panting into my ears, letting me know he was just as close as I was....Being this intimate with Bad...felt euphoric.

Both boys were exhausted and the feeling between them was so much better than their first kiss....So much more had happened, but this wasn't just a kiss, and it was pure bliss...pure love.

After a few minutes of collecting ourselves we got dressed again and had to change my sheets but we ended up laying back down together...I softly brought my lips back to his, feeling more happy than I'd ever been.

I heard the door slam open and basically jumped off my bed, eyes going wide at seeing my dad standing there, his eyes probably mirroring mine.

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