New Beginnings

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14 Months later...

"Ell's, I'm old enough to know how to use the heating," Tom says.

"I know but wanted to make sure!"

"Are you sure this is just about the heating?" he asks.

"What do you mean?"

"I get it you a little sad about leaving this place you know Justin and I will look after the place but don't just let yourself in whenever you want we might test out this kitchen counters!" he winks.

"Oh, believe me there definitely made of sturdy stuff," I laugh.

"Oh, Ell's please tell me you haven't!"

I grin "Too late to back out now. The tenancy agreement is already signed!"

"You and your solicitor boyfriend! Speaking of which surely he needs help with your new place?"

"Crap! Yeah, I better go! See you Tom!"

"Bye El's" I run down the stairs and out the front door.

Four Months ago...

Adam asked me to move in with him at first I was a little confused because he was still staying at the B&B. That's when he suggested we buy a house together. I was a bit hesitant at first as I love my flat, there was no place that could measure up to it....well until we started looking.

After viewing three other houses this one came up on Eston Street the next street from my shop and Adam's office it was perfect for us. His Nan is across the road and it's only five doors down from the pub this swayed it for him. It was somewhere that wasn't mine or his, but it would be ours!

Once we viewed the house we knew we wanted it, but the question was what to do with my flat? I didn't want to sell it and the shop is doing really well at the moment, so I decided to let it out. When I mentioned this to Tom, he jumped at the chance to be my new tenant because it was closer to Justin's new job. It made sense really, my best friend moves around the corner from me and I get 2 new tenants I can trust! So, it all worked out really!

I spot him near the removal van, his back is towards me, so I run up behind him and squeeze his bum "I can't wait to test out our new bed later!" then he turns round "You're not Adam!"

"For you love, I can be!" the man laughs.

"Sorry! I thought you were my boyfriend you kinda looked like him from behind!"

The man just laughs.

"Ellie, there you are!"

I turn to see Adam just outside our front door and I make my way over to him "Yeah, sorry I was showing Tom how to use the heating! Also, I may have just sexually assaulted one of the removal men. I thought he was you!"

Adam howls "Oh my god! I wish I'd seen that! I bet your face was a picture! Which guy was it?"

I point him out "I suppose he sorta looks like me from behind!" He laughs.

"Don't! I'm so embarrassed!"

"You're so cute when you're fluttered."

"Adam, it's not funny! I even said I couldn't wait to try out our new bed tonight!"

This only makes him laugh harder, I roll my eyes and go to head inside when he gently grabs my arm and pulls me to him "I'm sure he didn't mind," he kisses my forehead making me smile.

"When I said you're not Adam he did say he could be! So, I'd watch my back if I were you mister!" I wink as I walk into the house.

He just gives me a cheeky smirk.

Together - Adam & Ellie - Series Twoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن