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My blood runs cold my ears starts to ring, stopping me from hear the rest, "Adam!!" I call out as I hang up and start to grab my stuff.

He's racing down the stairs "Ellie?"

"It's Tom, I..I need to get to the hospital!"

He gently touches my arm "Ellie, I'll drive," I don't argue.

It's not long before we arrive and spot Justin when he sees me he breaks down "Ellie! I couldn't stop them!"

He begins to sob, I run to hug him "Hey, It's OK, he's going to be OK!"

We take a seat in the hallway and takes a seat next to me "What happened?" Adam asks Justin.

"We were just out clubbing. We left your mum's club and where going to Mendoza's when these four lads stopped us asking for change we told them that we didn't have any and went to move pass them, and they stepped in front of us. Tom started getting annoyed and told them to move out of our way. That's when one of them shoved him backwards asking what he was going to do if they didn't, but you know what Tom's like, so he swung for him and then him and his mate started attacking him. I went to try and help but the other two pulled me back and held me. I couldn't move Ellie, I couldn't stop them and now he's here he could be fighting for his life!"

"Justin, stop! None of this is your fault! Where is Tom?"

"He's in theater they think he has a ruptured spleen!"

A lump catches in my throat, but I need to be strong for Justin "He will be fine. Tom is not someone that will give up easily. I promise!"

He looks at me with hope "You're right! He's going to be fine!"

"He's in the best place." Adam tells him.

"Yeah, he is! Ellie, I want to get changed, I need out of these clothes!"

"The police will need those as evidence!" Adam tells Justin.

"Right, do you think I can whizz home? Clean up?" I look to Adam for advice.

"Mate, sorry, but you are going to have to wait for the police get here. There could be evidence not only on your clothes but you as well!"

"Really? I just want out of these clothes, I feel dirty." Justin protests.

"I know but you want the Police to catch these guys right?" I try to persuade him.

"Fine, but I can go and get some air, right?" Justin asks.

"Yeah, that's fine!" Adam says as Justin leaves us alone.

Adam turns "Now he's gone how are you really feeling?" he asks me.

"Fine, absolutely fine!" I put a smile on hoping he doesn't realize it's fake, but my eyes glass over.

"Ellie, I've known you long enough to know when you're lying. It's me! You don't have to be strong around me, let me be strong for you." I break down in tears I'm no longer able to pretend.

His arms come around me "Oh, Adam! I'm so scared what if he doesn't pull through?"

"Hey, none of that! He'll get through this, you want to know why?"

"Why?" I ask him.

"Because if he doesn't, he knows you'll kill him!"

I pull away facing him, and laugh, "How can I kill him.."

"Hey, It's not going to happen. He will get through this," he says as he pulls me back to his chest.

Several days later, Tom is on the mend and back home. The Police caught three of the four guys that attacked them both thanks to DNA evidence on both their clothes. Adam's parents are coming to stay tomorrow and I'm making the bed when I hear Adam come in from work.

Together - Adam & Ellie - Series TwoWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu