One Year Anniversary Wedding

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Deep breaths Ellie, in....and.....out! Why am I so nervous? We are already married, it's not like he can change his mind now.

"Earth to Jonesy!!" Toms brings me back to reality.

"Sorry, what? Wait..did you just call me.... Jonesy?" I laugh.

"Well, you weren't replying to El's, Ellie or spanner. What were you think about? You were away with the fairies" Tom can see through me like no one else.

"Not heard that name in years! I'm just worrying over stupid stuff" I give him a fake smile.

"He'll be there! Nothing you need to worry about. He loves you"

I looked at myself in the mirror one last time "How do I look?"

"You look so stunning! He won't know what hit him" I start getting a bit teary.

"No, DO NOT CRY! You'll ruin your make up El's"

I fan myself.

"Let's go down and meet Mum"

"I hope she doesn't start crying again. She kept setting you off earlier" he laughs.

Once down in the hotel lobby Mum's face lights up when she spots me, "Do not make her cry again!" Tom warns Mum.

She takes a breath, "You look absolutely beautiful!"


The wedding march starts playing, my nerves go into overdrive.

The doors open and we start to walk in. I spot Adam right away, his back is towards me, I notice he's wearing a kilt which makes me giggle and relax a little bit.

I see him slightly turn his head towards me, but then he stops himself before he fully turns when his eye connect to mine, my heart races but a wave of relief washes over me when the biggest smile appears on his face.

I finally reach him, he takes my hand and kisses my cheek "Ellie, you have literally taken my breathe away!" he whispers.

I smile at him, "A bheil thu nad fhìor Albannach fon fhèileadh sin?" I wink.

(English translation: Are you a real Scotsman under that kilt?)

He chuckles, "I'll let you find out for yourself later, beautiful!" I blush and the priest starts.

A little while later.. "You may now kiss the bri..."

His lips crash to mine, I wrap my arms around his neck and his hands are on my waist.

We hear everyone cheer "I love you Ellie!" He says as he pulls away.

"Well, I think I proved I love you...I've married ya twice!" I wink as he laughs, "Come on, then let's get to this reception!"


"You know my Adam loves you, right?!" a drunk Nina asks as the waiters are cleaning up the dessert plates.

She swapped chairs with Mum, so she could talk to me.

"Of course, just like I love him!"

"He won't tell you this, but he was pacing around the house last night. I reckon he was missing you, so I made him put pile cream on his bags under his eyes this morning" she tells me.

I'm shocked "What? He has haemorrhoid cream on his face?"

She laughs, "Yeah, didn't you wonder why it smelt of white *burp* chocolate? It's good for bags under your eyes. But don't worry I got him to use a new tube not the one Al's been popping up his bottom" she laughs, "Speaking of Al, I'm going to steal my grandson off him" she gone.

Together - Adam & Ellie - Series TwoWhere stories live. Discover now