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"I now pronounce you husband and wife" He doesn't waste a second his lips crash to mine, he finally pulls away "Let's go and celebrate Mrs. Barlow!"

"Congratulations you two!" I hear Elaine call over.

I turn to her direction "Boy, you did it! Welcome to the family Ellie" Al smiles.

Nina and my Mum are blowing into their tissues, "I'm so happy for you both! I gained a daughter in-law" Nina sniffles.

"El's your Dad would of been so proud of you. I just wish...." She starts to well up again which starts me off.

"Aye, none of that!! You will ruin your make up and I've not taken any photos yet" Elaine says as she comes over to dabble my tears.

"Ready?" he asks.

"Ready" I nod.

We make our way out of the registry office, back to the car park "Right, you two. There will be no kissing or touching in the back of this car" Tom warns us.

"You'll have to look away then, Tom," Adam laughs.

Tom pull a disgusted face "I'll make so he behaves Tom I promise" I tell him as we get into the car.


"Elaine and Nina did a brilliant job with the food El's there's enough here to feed the wedding guest next year!"

"Tom with you here I'm sure there won't be any left. You should see the booze out the back Mum supplied!" I wink.

He laughs, "So, he's the one then?" Tom asks.

"Nah, I just married him because I was bored! Of course he is!"

"I'm messing El's! This is the only time I'm going to be mushy and if you tell anyone I'll deny it. He's a good one, I feel like I can hang up my big brother duties now, well some. You know I will always be here for you and little Charlie" both of us start to well up.

I hug him "I'll always need you!"

"El's, I'll always be there. That's what best friends are for!"

"Hey, You two OK?" I hear Adam behind me.

I loosen my arms from Tom "Yeah, I was just telling this one you better look after her" Tom tells me.

"Until my final breath" Adam smirks.

"Alright Romeo! I need to find my boyfriend. Congratulations again guys" Tom leaves us.

"So, how's my beautiful wife's day been so far?" He asks as his arms wrap around me.

"Absolutely perfect! What about you, husband?"

"Erm, yeah, I guess it's been alright I guess!"

"Just alright?!" I playfully slap him.

He laughs, "I'm joking! It's been incredible. But I'm looking forward to the wedding night!" He winks.

"You have a whole year until that!" He gives me a questioning look, "What? You only get one wedding night. You can't have 2!" I giggle.

He starts to kiss my neck "Adam, we still have guests!" I giggle.

"They're all in the living room!" he whispers against my ear.

"Down boy! Whether they're in the living room or not they're still in the house"

He pulls away a little "Fine, let's go and entertain our guest" he pulls me with him as we leave the kitchen.


Together - Adam & Ellie - Series TwoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz