Full of Surprises

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4 Months later

 "ARGH!" I throw my trousers across the bedroom throw myself down onto the bed "What's up beautiful?" I hear Adam call out from the hall before he appears in the bedroom.

I lift my head to look at him, he gives me that smile. I collapse back onto the bed with a huff, he hovers over me "What's up?" he kisses my nose.

My eyes well up "You're going to think I'm being silly" I huff.


"None of my clothes fit because my fat arse, and I'm ugly and covered in spots!"

"Aye! None of that! You could be standing next to a supermodel and I would still think you're the most attractive woman in the world. You are absolutely stunning! Even with your new chunky bum" he gets up from the bed and over to his dresser.

He pulls one of his draws open and pulls out something grey "Here put these on!"

I sit up "These are tracksuit bottoms! I never wear a tracksuit"

"Put them on! I'm taking you shopping"

"But I..."

He kisses my lips "You look gorgeous no matter what you wear!"

I smile "Fine!"

"You have 5 minutes to meet me downstairs"

5 Minutes later I meet him downstairs "There's my beautiful pregnant fiancée"

"Or Mr. Blobby"

"Well, you make one very sexy Mr. Blobby" he laughs.

"I never knew you had a fetish for Mr. Blobby!" I wink.

He shook his head "Come on, let's get going" 30 minutes later I'm looking through the maternity clothes racks "What about these?"

I turn to Adam who is holding a rose pink dress with black dots and a black blouse with netted arms again with black dots.

"Ooo, I actually like those!"

He smiles "The blouse I thought would be good for work"

"They're perfect" I find a couple of other bits and head to the changing rooms.

Adam sits outside I pull back the curtain "What do you think?" I ask.

"Gorgeous!!" He winks.

"OK, just a couple more to try on and I'll be finished"

"Need some help?" He winks.

I laugh, "As much as I would love your help, we are in public"

He grins, "Never stopped you before!" I blush and close the curtain.

Adam insisted I got everything I tried on. We are walking to Adam's car, "Excited for your birthday tomorrow?" I ask him.

"I hope you haven't gone overboard like last year!"

"Hey, I did not go overboard" we get into the car.

(I can't keep it secret anymore) "Can I tell you what I got you?" I bite my lip.

"But it's not my birthday until tomorrow"

"This is more of an experience than a gift"

He gives me that grin, "Oh, really? What kind of experience?"

"Nothing like that. Well, maybe at some point of the day, but I've booked us a 17 weeks 4D gender scan!"

His face lights up "So we get to see Beanie? And find out the gender tomorrow?"

Together - Adam & Ellie - Series TwoWhere stories live. Discover now