Last Night of Freedom

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3 Months later.

I found my wedding dress, now I know what brides mean when they say once they find THE DRESS they know! You really do know! It's now 5 months before the wedding, and we decided to do the Hen and Stag do's now because Nina can't take anymore holiday off until the wedding.

We pull up to mum's club, Nina, Elaine, Amy and Kerry have already gone through 4 bottles of Prosecco in the limo ride over here, but we did get stuck in traffic thanks to road works.

"Ready for your last night of freedom El's?" Tom asks.

"Why do people say that? It's not like once you're married you're locked away forever, never to be seen again?"

"OK, I was just asking!" he pulls an awkward face.

I shove him "I know, I'm messing with ya! Looks like we are here finally"

We pile out of the limo and into mum's club "Ellie!! Ready for your big night?"

I roll my eye "Yeah, because I always wanted L plates on my chest and in my hair!"

"Don't forget the tutu and feather boa, El's" Tom laughs.

"Right, because how could I forget them, they are bright pink!" I laugh.

"I really don't get the whole L plate thing? She knows how to drive I thought?" Elaine looks confused.

"Well, she must do she's already taken Adam out for a test drive!" Amy winks.

"Oi, you! Stop it! I won't have my husband spoken about like that!" I giggle.

"Who wants cocktails?" Mum asks.

"Mum, Nina loves a blue lagoon. Don't you Nina?"

She gags but laughs.

"El's you choose!" Mum says.

"Nah, I can't drink too much I've only expressed enough for 3 days..."

"Argh, El's can we not talk about your tits please" Tom protests.

I laugh, "Mum, make these guys anything I'll just stick with soft drinks and a couple of Prosecco's"


Yup that didn't go to plan.....I'm currently struggling to get a jelly shot out of plastic shot glass and I have Nina shouting "SUCK IT" at me...that's not something you hear your mother in-law shout at you everyday.

I finally got it out "I did it!" I shout!

"El's, here!" Tom passes me something green in a shot glass.

"Tom, I can't..."

"Oh, come on El's 1 more! It's only Apple Sourz. We all have one!" Tom pleads.

"Actually, I think I'm with Ellie on this one" Elaine says. So, Tom reaches to take the shot glass off her, but she turns away, so he can't as she takes tiny sips.

I laugh, "Fine! But no more after this!"

He winks "Pinky promise," he hands one to Nina who has just come back from the toilets.

"Ewww, who got Hulk to piss in a cup!" Nina looks at the shot glass in horror!

We knock back the Sourz "Oh, that was actually quite nice! Can I get a pint of that?" Nina asks.

A little while later I'm at the bar with Elaine, "How do you feel about having the same penis forever?"

I choke on my water "Excuse me? Elaine you did not just say that!"

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