Chapter 2

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I stared. One was Toothless, who was standing next to the other with his wing in a hugging position. The other was a Night Fury with a necklace dangling from it's neck. The necklace was made of Night Fury scales as beads and in the middle, there a small, corked vial full of what looked like purple, sparkly liquid. Toothless was "grinning" at me. I just stood there, mind whizzling. Another Night Fury?! How?! Where has it been hiding this whole time? And why is it here, now? Toothless leaned over and made a few growls. The other Night Fury understood and lifted the necklace gentilly off it’s own neck with it’s talons, then gave it to Toothless. Toothless then started to walk over to me and gave me the necklace. I took it from his talons and examined it. The purple liquid suddenly started to glow.

“Toothless, what is this?” I asked, astonished.

He looked at me, motioning for me to drink it.

I looked back at him with a ‘really?’ face.

He stared back, bored. ‘Just do it’, he told me with his expression.

‘Fine,’ I rolled my eyes, uncapped the cork and smelled the inside. I coughed, holding my nose.

“What’s in this?!” I asked him, thrusting the bottle towards him. He just sighed, at least, whatever a dragon sigh would be like. I hesitated. Why does he want me to drink a fetid smelling purple liquid from a Night Fury? It’s got to be a good reason. I held my breath, then trust the small vial onto my lips, taking the stuff in. As soon as the last drop was in, I gagged. I so desperately wanted to spit it out, but at least it wasn’t as bad as the fish Toothless made me eat when we first met. Oh, and I forgot to mention that it was raw, and it had been down his throat already. I held the liquid in my mouth, the disgusting bitterness eating at my taste buds. Toothless swallowed, then stared at me, wanting me to swallow. Fine, fine. I swallow the sticky stuff, feeling it burn my throat, then smile. The vikings stood beside me, Astrid came up to me.

“So, what was that?” she asked, her beautiful eyes gleaming like the sun.

“Uh, I really don’t know. Maybe some sort of-” I suddenly felt a jolt of pain throughout my body.

“Ah!” I fell over, landing on all fours.

Immediately Astrid was by my side, “HICCUP! ARE YOU OKAY?! HICCUP, ANSWER ME!!” I couldn’t speak, I was gagging, I wanted to throw up the liquid and be free of the pain, but I couldn’t. Toothless suddenly stuck his head under me, thrusting me backwards onto his handmade saddle. I clung to his neck with my arms and legs, my chest against his back. Toothless started running fast towards the woods, the other Night Fury taking off to fly above. I could see behind us as we entered the forest, the group of vikings running after us, calling my name. But they gave up quickly, as Toothless was faster. Only one remained in pursuit, Astrid. She didn’t give up, no, not Astrid, not that easily. But the other Night Fury landed in front of her, stopping her in her tracks. I don’t know what it did, my vision was getting blurry, but it took off again and Astrid was gone. We ran on, Toothless’ tail whacking against bushes and tree trunks. Eventually, Toothless slowed down and the other Night Fury landed beside him. I saw the outline of it walk forward and started to do something ahead of us. I wanted to know what was happening, but I had no strength left. I went limp on Toothless’ back, unconscious.

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