Chapter 1

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I felt the wind whip my face as Toothless’ wings beat in the air, sending us soaring through the clouds. I sensed another dragon coming up behind us, so did Toothless. He slowed down, letting Cloudjumper burst through the vaporous clouds. Valka, my mom, was riding on Cloudjumper’s back.

“Hiccup! Wait up!” she called as I motioned for Toothless to speed up. We were whipping through the clouds, left, right, left, right, when Cloudjumper and Valka passed us, leaving Toothless and I dizzy.

“Hey!” I called, “no fair!” Toothless sped up even more. Soon I motioned for him to dive down. We burst through the thick cloud layer and swooped towards an island with a small village on it, this is Berk. This is my home. Valka and Cloudjumper were ahead of us, just landing. Valka had just slid off of Cloudjumper when Toothless and I landed next to them. I unlatched my peg leg from the flying mechanism that I had made on Toothless and slid off the saddle. That peg leg, I got it when Toothless and I had just defeated one of the largest dragons in viking history! We barely made it out alive! Well, I wouldn’t have if it weren’t for him. Toothless saved my life, and I am forever grateful.

“Hiccup!” Gobber waddled towards me, a group of other vikings behind him, “we need your help!”

“What is it?” I asked, immediately walking over to meet him.

Astrid pushed her way through the crowd, stepping out in  front of me, “I think you should see for yourself, and bring Toothless.”

“Ooook,” I stared at her, confused, then quickly followed her as she and the villagers took off. As I caught up to the group, I realized that Toothless wasn’t following me.

“Wait up!” I called as I turned around to get him. The vikings stopped and waited patiently for their Chief. As I reached Cloudjumper and Valka, who was checking Cloudjumpers tail, which looked as if it had scraped a rock pretty hard during flight, I noticed that Toothless was gone. I had left him here, where was he? Playing another trick?

“Hey mom, where’s Toothless?”

Valka peered up from her inspection, “I thought he’d gone with you?”

“No,” I glanced around, where could he have gone?

Suddenly, I heard a call from the group of vikings I’d left.

“Better run, if you see him, send him to me okay? This is just so odd, he never leaves like that.”

Valka nodded, then turned back toward her work.

I ran back to the villagers, “what’s wrong?” The mob parted without a word.

There, in the clearing, was two Night Furys.

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