Chapter 5

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"M-my brother?!" my mind was exploding, all of this time, all of these... Lies. I gulped.

"Yeah! Isn't it great!?" Toothless said excitedly.

"I-I don't know what to say!" my mind raced through all of the memories, then I remembered my mother. She understood dragons, and how they- er, we... Aren't what the vikings used to think we were. She probably realized that when she picked me up and took me as a baby. Ever since she knew of my dragon soul, everything makes sense now! But what did she tell dad, Stoick? That she found me in the woods? In a dragon's nest? 

My real mother was standing there, with a huge smile on her face, "well then, let's go show you the caves! Oh, and shall I call you two your old names? Or the one's I gave to you?"

"You gave us names?" Toothless asked, "one's besides Toothless and Hiccup?"

"Why yes! You, Toothless, were Starnight. You, Hiccup, were Darktail."

"Darktail? That's my name?" I asked, bewildered. My life had suddenly taken a turn, for better or worse I didn't know yet. What will become of my family and friends? Valka? Astrid? The town? What will they do without me?

"Yes," my mother smiled.

"Starnight... Hmmm..." Toothless was in deep thought, "I really appreciate it mom, but I think I'd prefer Toothless, it has too many good memories attached."

"Of course, Toothless."

"I'll try Darktail I guess... Hiccup isn't much of a Night Fury name, let alone a particularly great name either..." I laughed, and the other two laughed right along with me.

"Come on, let's go!" my mother motioned for me to follow her down the hallway. I stood up. Slowly and wobbly, I walked with my brother, tail in tail. I nudged him, he smiled his gappy simile that I'd first seen so long ago. The hallway opened up into the largest cavern I'd ever seen, let alone dreamed of. Night Furies flew everywhere, some were resting on ledges and some on the ground. 

We passed one who exclaimed, "Startail! You found your sons!" the Night Fury rushed towards us. I realized that Startail was my mother's name. Then I noticed her white spots on her tail, they did look like stars...

"Yes! I know! It's been so long, I am so happy!" Startail exclaimed, putting her wings around each of us. I snuggled into her, feeling her warm scales.

"Starnight?" the dragon asked questioningly, pointing at me."Oh, no that's Starnight," my mother said, looking down to her left where Toothless was snuggled in, "well, more like Toothless as he prefers."

"So that one must be Darktail," the Night Fury corrected himself and pointed at me.

"Y-yes," I said, still gazing around the room, half paying attention to the conversation in front of me.

"Wonderful! Well, I got to return to business," the Night Fury turned around.

"Wait," Startail stopped him, "thank you, for making the potion I mean."

"Of course, anything for you sis," he rubbed his head on hers, then flew away.

"Sis? Like sister?" I asked, puzzled.

"Yes, making him your uncle," my mother explained, "now come, I'll show you our home cave!" Then she launched into the air, Toothless following. 

I stared up at them, "uh, guys? I have never flown before..."

"Oh! Sorry!" Both Toothless and Startail landed next to me.

"Well, I have glided, but never taken off or anything," I explained.

Startail grinned, "oh, well it's time to learn."

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