Chapter 4

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“I-I’m a Night Fury?!”I cried, half of me not believing a word, but the other half wanting to believe all of it.

“Yes, you see, I had you and the other four eggs in a nest build inside of a log. I had you during our escape, and it turned out some Monstrous Nightmares and Deadly Nadders were following us. They attacked. I tried to protect my eggs, but one came after me. Night Fury eggs hatch quickly, quick enough for me to watch you and your siblings, breaking out of the shell. I wanted to be there, helping you, but the Monstrous Nightmare that had grabbed me wasn’t going to let me go. He just held me, letting me watch, but not letting me be able to interact. Then, just after the first egg hatched, he signaled to another Monstrous Nightmare. This one nodded, taking the sign, then swooped down towards my baby. The baby Night Fury, barely awakened to the world yet, was smashed by that wretched dragon. I struggled, shooting balls of fire and electricity out from my mouth, but it was no use. The Monstrous Nightmare had backup. Multiple dragons holding me back, the Monstrous Nightmare who had killed the first hatchling killed one after another, me crying and struggling to save them. Then, to my disbelief, an army of vikings came from the forest. They all attacked the Monstrous Nightmares and Deadly Nadders, but no Night Furies. For I was the one of the only two left, the only two who had not escaped. Me, and my mate. He was held back too, but before the vikings could get to him, the Monstrous Nightmare who had him broke his neck and threw him so far away that I wept like never before. I never saw your father again. As for you, the vikings slaughtered the dragons holding me, they tried to kill me too, but before they could, I saw the nest. Too eggs were left. One, the only black one left, suddenly hatched. Then, there was only the smallest, the blue one. The hatchling from the remaining black egg fled into the bushes. Then the blue one cracked. A female viking, one from the battle, hushed the other vikings, ordering them to stop whatever they were doing. At this, the vikings who were about to kill me too stopped, staring at the egg. It was so silent that you could hear a wingbeat from a mile away. Then it hatched. A human, from an egg. I was so surprised. My egg turned out to be a human. The female picked the baby up, cradling it in her arms. She then signaled for the vikings to let me go and follow her. They did, a few snarled at me, a few had signs of sadness. Most likely because they couldn’t kill me. That was the last I saw of you or your brother, for then I heard a voice from another Night Fury, her name was Milky Way. I reluctantly followed her, tears streaming down my scales. I wanted to find my babies, but I couldn’t. It was too dangerous. I had to go into hiding with the rest of my tribe. We have been here ever since. But, may I add, I had the scientists start working on a potion of sorts, one that would turn you into a Night Fury, like you really are. They were successful. I made a necklace holding the potion for the day I found you. I did. And now look at you, all grown up, a dragon.” I was confused, a dragon? But I’m not a-Then I saw my hand, it was a dragon’s talon. I swiveled my head around, I was a Night Fury. That’s why I can understand all the dragons! I am one!

“But- How?!” I asked, excited and surprised. I was a real dragon. But, why hadn’t my human mom, Valka, told me this?

“The scientists have their ways. I am so glad to finally be able to meet both my sons,” my mother said joyfully.

“Both?” I asked, wondering what she meant.

“Why, yes! Toothless, as you’ve named him, is your brother!”

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