Let the nightmares begin

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I'm no sweet dream but I'm a hell of a night
That I'm no sweet dream but I'm a hell of a night -Halsey-

Damon POV

"Mom please don't leave me alone" I cried out to her as tears rushed from my eyes uncontrollably. Her eyes were swollen it yearned to be put out of its misery but why would she do this, didn't she know the fact that she was the only one I had, didn't she know I would be lost without her, didn't she care enough for me.

"I'm sorry dammy, I just can't take it any longer" she managed to say in between tears, my little head shook in disbelief.

"Mom please don't go I'll miss you" that was my pathetic last attempt to persuade her from taking her life. I was so stupid I should have ran to her and caught her before she made the jump but I didn't. Either ways I was too small and pathetic to make a difference

"Goodbye Damon remember mummy will always love you" those were her last words to me before she sent her body down the heights

"No!" I screamed with all the strength in me. I took some fearful slow steps forward and stared down seeing my mom lifeless body covered in her own blood. Her head was smashed and bashed on the concrete floor on impact. Thick bright red blood rolled out everywhere

"Why didn't you save me Damon. You did this to me" her zombie like corpse accused me, she looked at me, her bloody red eyes filled with hate and disgust, that's when I woke up, beads of sweat trickled down my forehead as I woke up once again due to another terrible nightmare. I would have been terrified about this nightmare years ago when I was still young and naive but I have gotten used to the gory nightmares that have been haunting me ever since I witnessed my mom's tragic death. I drank the bottle of water I had kept on the table closest to my bed in anticipation of a gory nightmare.

I heard footsteps coming from outside my room. Someone was trying to get in or worse get out.

I got into a black top, racing out of my room just in time to get a glimpse of a red hooded figure getting out through the front door. I quickly raced through the door leading to the dark night.

I turned the torch of my cellphone on and saw the red hooded figure crouching down around the dried up rosebushes

"Who are you!" I squinted my eyes trying to make a face but the hood prevented that possibility

"It's me Veronika" she took down the hood allowing me to look straight into her face. Her auburn hair spilled out, she countered it by tucking it nicely behind her ear

"What are you doing out here in the middle of the night?" I asked right before I noticed pairs of green eyes staring at me through the rosebushes

"Shhh..." She shushed me "you will scare them away" I took some steps forward to inspect more closely "how did you know they were here?" I whispered not wanting to scare the kittens off

"I heard meowing from my room" she pushed something in a can gently to the kittens which they acknowledged by stepping out of the rosebushes one after the other and taking a taste of whatever was in the can.

"The mother cat  just died" she stated pointing out to somewhere close to the rosebushes "best guess, some wild animal got to her" she added. For some reason the story sounded eerily familiar to me

"They are so little" I admitted out loud

"We have to protect them" she looked at me intently

"Okay let's start by laying the mother cat to rest" I offered with a light chuckle. Then I went inside and searched the kitchen till I found a mini shovel, it wasn't what I had in mind but it would do the task. I hurried back to find her holding one of the five kittens, stroking it's brown and White striped fur. It was nice watching how she cared about the kittens. "I'm back" she turned back giving me a weak smile.

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