The saviour or the devil

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Chapter 3

Veronika POV

I woke up early in the morning. I couldn't even fall asleep last night, the thought of going to college and meeting Dave kept me up all night. I had packed my bag since last night. I stepped into the bathroom and took a cold shower with every drop of cold water on my skin goosebumps prickled but I didn't mind I had gotten quite used to the cold now. After taking my bath I rushed down the stairs to see Lydia already preparing a single breakfast for me she must have heard about the e-mail from either John or Olivia. She prepared my favourite griddle cake which I ate in silence just wondering why my father wasn't out by now since our original plan was returning back to Colorado today. I went to my Dad room and gave the door a gentle tap, immediately I heard him say come in, in a gruff voice. He wore a red suit, he was reading another book on psychopathic psychosis this book was titled 'inside the mind of psychopaths', he is literally obsessed with the minds of psychopaths, death and all the gory details ever since my mum died.

"Dad you are awake?" I said wryly

"Yes I am" he answered not taking his eyes from his book. His response couldn't answer the question I had in my mind

"Are you ready for the flight?" I waited anticipating his answer

"I won't leave just yet, but you can your ticket is on table" I didn't speak I just took the ticket off the table and left his room.

No one hugged me or wished me farewell, they all looked at me like a complete stranger except John, Olivia, Lydia, Laura and Grandpa, as always they were the only good thing that happened to me during this vacation.

When I got to the airport I had less than an hour for my plane to takeoff.

I took a seat beside a rattled woman who is probably in her twenties and her daughter whom she clutched tightly as if trying to keep her away from someone. I struck a conversation with her In a attempt to ease the tension that welled inside her

"Your daughter is very pretty" she turned to me her expression completely blank but she managed to give a wry smile, returning her eyes back at her daughter placing her pale white hand on her daughter's brown hair I could see purple bruises on her hands but she quickly covered it with her long woolen cardigan, immediately I knew something was afoot so I pressed on.

"My name is Veronika McAllister" I stretched a hand for a handshake but it never came, she totally ignored my hand. After minutes of silence she began muttering in a whispery voice

"I'm sorry my name is Darlena Harper this is my daughter violet" the little girl turned towards her mother at the sound of her name, I gave her a cheerful smile but all she did was stare at me trying to figure out the situation

"I'm not usually like this but I'm trying to get away from my husband" her words cut through me like a sharp blade

"Did he do that to you?" she responded with a rhythmic nod

"Don't worry everything will be okay I promise" I tried to assure her but coming from me I don't think it worked

"You do not understand, Jake is crazy he will do anything to get me back" through the speakers I heard a female voice say that our flight would takeoff in fifteen minutes

"You also travelling to Canada right?" she gave a nod in response to my question

"He won't be able to harm you if he can't find you" I heard uproars then I saw a huge tall muscular man running towards me, he had deranged eyes and instantly I knew he was up to no good

"He is here" Darlena began to breath heavily as her body trembled I saw the fear in her and her daughter eyes

"You thought you could run away from me right" Jake muscular body loomed over us like a large pole. He grabbed onto Darlena hand in a swift move and by the look on Darlena face it brought great discomfort to her, violet squealed by her mother side refusing to let go of her mum's hand

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