Hello veronika

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I left the coffee palace without taking a single sip from my coffee. Something churned my mind leaving me unsettled maybe it is because of the revelation revealed by Jason or the thought that this was all an elaborate game being controlled by some sicko.

"Hey Nikki" I turned around to face the voice and it was Jessica the last face I wanted to find

"Hey Jesse" I had my fake smile back on

"Alexa wants to have a word with you" she didn't smile back I couldn't even find any weird smile on her and this worried me

"What does she want to talk to me about?"

"You are a red angel now, you have some obligations so please just follow me" she grabbed my hand and I finally saw the weird smile and it made me feel uneasy how her behavior was as flippant as the damn weather but nevertheless I followed her silently.

We arrived at the Haven I was led by Jessica in, when we got inside it looked like it was being prep for a teenage princess party there she was, I saw Alexa coming down the stairs. She was wearing her usual classy but sexy dress but she had a different glint in her eyes, she looked super happy about something

"Hey Veronika" her smile gleamed at me with pure happiness

"Hey Alexa, why do you want to speak to me?" I didn't want to waste anymore time than I already have I really have bigger problems right now and wasting my time talking to princess Alexa wouldn't fix any of it

"I'm hosting my eighteenth birthday bash" she squealed excitedly but all I could think of was how wrong the first party I had here went

"Wow. That's great news" it is great news for her but not for me I couldn't shake off what I just learnt

"You are also invited, and please try to dress much better" Alexa words were spiteful but I knew exactly how to make a mean princess feel little

"Thanks for the invite but I won't be attending" I spoke with an evident hint of sarcasm hoping it would be enough to hurt her giant ego

"What! What do you mean you won't be attending?"

"It means I won't be attending your princess party, I have better plans for tonight" I blinked but declared scornfully and by the look on her face she wasn't happy about it

"What plans would be better than my party?" She blinked her eyes wildly while Jessica moved to stand beside her

"I don't think I have to tell you about whatever I do with my time" I smirked and face back against them heading for the door I heard Alexa whispering something to Jessica but I couldn't care less about whatever it was I only hoped this party won't be another epic failure with someone dying at the end. Immediately I stepped out of the haven my phone buzzed at my back pocket. I felt uneasy when I saw it was a call from an unknown number

"Hello..." I tried to listen but all could hear from the other side was someone cool breathing my skin grew cold "who is it?" I choked on my own words as I was about to put an end to the one sided conversation the other side finally spoke

"Hello Veronika" what sounded like a hard male voice called out my name sending chills down my spine

"W-who are y-you?" I trembled

"Who I am you will get to find out when it all ends" the voice said I could tell whoever it was had a wicked grin on, it was clear he was enjoying this

"What do you mean when it is over" my grip on my phone got tighter

"Why did you lie to Alexa, you and I both know that you don't really have anything fun to do tonight" how did he know, was he perhaps watching me?

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