Let the games begin

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Veronika POV

"Aren't you done yet" I questioned at the beautifully dressed Riley who stood in front of me for about an hour now working on my face with her makeup kit

"Hush now, would you want to show up to a party hosted by your ex and his girlfriend looking like a sad thing who is broken without him?" I played the scenario in my head and I was terrified at the mere thought of looking broken in front of Dave and his silly girlfriend I could feel goosebumps prickle on my skin just thinking about it

"Okay, you are the boss" I surrendered to Riley and her tools with a smile.

"All done" after some frightfully long minutes that felt like hours Riley was finally pleased with her work to call it a stalemate. She turned my chair around letting me look at her handiwork at the mirror behind me. I was stunned by how much I was made pretty by Riley. Damn her work looked like a professional but I wasn't that shocked though Riley has always strived to succeed in everything she does; academics she always remain valedictorian, you just name it and she's gonna do it with finesse

"Wow" I smiled looking up at a giggling Riley who still held her makeup brush in the air "thanks a bunch Riles"

"I know I'm pretty awesome you can pay me back by telling me all that happens tonight" both Riley and I laughed at her crazy words what did she expect would happen tonight?

"What do you plan on wearing" Riley opened my closet swiping clothes that's was when it dawned on me I haven't thought of a dress to wear

"Umm... I haven't thought about that yet" I confessed

"Oh lord- What would you ever do without me?" she rolled her eyes then gave me a smile before facing back at my closet "yup, this is the one" she dragged out a black sparkly short gown "you have to wear this"

"Are you sure I should wear this?" I asked unsure about the dress it looked a little bit skimpy

"Who is the boss in here?" she said before giving a wild laugh. I changed into the dress and it looked good on me although it was light

"You look perfect Nikki" Riley screamed

"I bet not as perfect as you" I complimented her

"Let's go they are probably waiting for us"

Damon POV

"Hello stud" Natalie began to rain compliments on me as she walked in on me, Gabe, Rebecca and Charlie conversing on the porch

"Natalie you look great" I was just trying to be courteous I honestly felt she was over dressed for a party. I wore a casual black leather jacket, a white T-shirt and black trouser

"Hey Natalie you look nice" Charlie winked at Natalie making her blush a little

"Hasn't Veronika or Riley come down. We are going to be late because of them" Natalie said as she stood beside Rebecca who wore a purple short gown with heavy purple makeup that made her look very dark and gothic

"we are ready guys" I heard Riley announced as she and Veronika stepped out. I couldn't take my eyes off her, she looked gorgeous. Her blue aquarium eyes shimmered peacefully, her auburn hair were curled and draped loosely around her neck

"wow you look perfect Veronika" I blurted out not being able to control myself, at that moment I was completely stunned by how beautiful she looked

"thanks Damon" her face began to redden making me smile

"looking good Veronika. What do you think Gabe?" Charlie patted Gabe on the arm to get his attention from his phone, he looked up Veronika examining her from head to toe

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