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We have been driving for what felt like hours to one of Charlie's old family farm house. He said that no one would be there and it sounded like a convenient place to carry out our plan.

We finally arrived.

Luckily the generators were still up and running so all we had to do was sit tight and wait for Charlie's twelve hours to elapse.

It was just about one hour to go and that was when the light went of plunging us in darkness. We all immediately lit our phone torches up

"Shit! The generator must have died. Now what do we do?" Asked Charlie

"I'll go check it out and get it back on" Jason volunteered stretching a bit as he stood

"I don't think we should separate" I warned a bit scared

"Well we can't do much in this darkness so..." He chuckled "and don't worry I'll be fine" he held up his baseball bat and walked toward the door

"I'll go with you" Riley shouted out running up to him then they were gone. That was when I realized that Damon was nowhere to be found.

Riley POV

He was ahead of me a bit, headed for the barn where Charlie said the generator was. He was walking too fast it became hard to keep up

"Hey! slow down a bit"

"Why volunteer to come if you know you can't keep up, you're such a liability" he stood waiting for me to catch up

"Geez, you didn't have to be mean about it" I rolled my eyes at him

" I'm not trying to be mean. I'm just saying that we shouldn't waste much time here than we have too,"

"Yeah sure" we kept on moving till we reached the barn. I felt something run over my leg and I couldn't help but scream holding on to Jason's shoulders as he also yelled


"Something went past my legs" I said pointing towards the ground to reveal it was just a little rat. I really hated rats

"Chill, Its just a rat. Nothing to be afraid of" he said laughing hard

"This isn't funny" I said getting annoyed by the sound of his laughter

"Yeah, it kinda is" he continued with his laughter

"Just fix the generator would you?" I crossed my hands rolling my eyes

"Oh yeah, I almost forgot" he moved ahead towards the generator as I looked around just observing the place

"Oh boy!" Jason said sounding tensed

"What is it?"

"Fuck! We have to get the hell out of here" he said quickly grabbing my hand tightly dragging me along with him, leaving me totally confused

"What? And you haven't even fixed the generator" I said struggling to break free from his cold touch but deep down I know I didn't want to let go. It felt nice and I wouldn't mind if he held on to my hands more often

"All this has been a trap! The generator never failed it was cut, cut you hear me. This was its trap and we fell right into it" he kept on talking "we need to inform Veronika and Damon" he held out his phone and my blood froze as I stared at the red figure approaching behind him

"Fuck! there's no fucking signal" he yelled

"B-b-b" I kept stuttering on my words

"What the hell is up with you now?" He said giving me a strange look

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