The Team, Characters, and Voting

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The Team

Signature Pokemon Lucario.

Shiny: No

Mega-Evolution: Yes

Having raised Riolu from an egg, you and Lucario have a unshakable bond

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Having raised Riolu from an egg, you and Lucario have a unshakable bond. Both trusting each other very much.

Team Member 2: Gardevoir

Shiny: Yes

Mega-Evolution: Yes

After finding and rescuing a shiny ralts, the ralts followed you for sometime slowly learning to trust you

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After finding and rescuing a shiny ralts, the ralts followed you for sometime slowly learning to trust you. Watching you taking care of your other pokemon.

Team Member 3: Chandelure

Shiny: No

After rescuing a Lampent from a black auction, you offered him to join your team

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After rescuing a Lampent from a black auction, you offered him to join your team. Reluctant but accepting of the offer.

Team Member 4: Swampert

Shiny: No.

Mega-Evolution: No.

Ever since you learned Mega-Evolution, Swampert has been the most excited

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Ever since you learned Mega-Evolution, Swampert has been the most excited. But once you completed the trial and obtained a Swamperite, this Swampert for some reason can not mega evolve. Swampert was broken and felt like he was holding you back, trained harder than the rest to make up to it.

Team Member 5: Grimmsnarl

Gigantimax: No.

Finding a Impidimp, knowing full well that this pokemon should not belong in the region, and missing his family

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Finding a Impidimp, knowing full well that this pokemon should not belong in the region, and missing his family. You help to return him back to the Galar region, with Team Rocket chasing after it.

Team Member 6: Hydreigon

Shiny: No

The most stubborn member of your team, and one who disobeys you the most

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The most stubborn member of your team, and one who disobeys you the most. But when he sees a common enemy he will listen.

Non Official Member: Espeon. 

Nicknamed: Jewels.

Shiny: No

Being your mothers pokemon, Espeon was a nanny looking out for you when your parents had to work long nights

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Being your mothers pokemon, Espeon was a nanny looking out for you when your parents had to work long nights. But once they disappeared she was tasked to protect you. When you tried to put her in a pokeball, the item just bounced out. Your mother never released her. According to your mother, she had a jealously side during her own travels with new team members. But ever since you were born shes been more open to others.


Trainer: Y/N (Your name)

The son of two world renowned researchers, having different pokemon around was just second nature to you. Your role model/hero/mentor being Ash. Ash has stopped by the lab to help with the development of research, giving you tips to help you better under stand the bond between trainer and pokemon. One day, out exploring in the forest, you find a lone egg. Bringing it back to your house your parents did determine that it was indeed a pokemon egg. You parents were gonna send it to a nursery, but you rebelled wanting to raise it yourself. Once it hatched to be a Riolu, the two of you were inseparable. However when your family was raided by an unknown organization, your parents sent you away with Espeon to protect you. Then being raised by the regional's Pokemon professor, and long friend of the family.


A mute and long childhood friend. After the traumatic experience, the only ones you trusted was Riolu and Espeon. The regional's Professor sent you to a public school. You hated it, not sure who you can trust. But after school you 'met' Lushoo. A red headed girl, who took an interest in you. Somehow knowing who you are and who your parents are, after the professor changed your last name. She took her time for you to trust her. Once you finally opened up, she became your first real human friend. But unaware she houses a big secret. 

Legendary Pokemon.

Im not gonna out right ban the capture of legendary Pokemon. But Pokemon like Palkia, Dialga, Arceus, will not be available to capture. But pokemon like Latios/Latias, who are not literal god pokemon are. When these pokemon appear ill post a vote if we capture them.

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